Chapter 2: Betrayed

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I woke up in a small room with no light source whatsoever. The room was dull and was only the size of a small bathroom. I looked down at myself. I was wearing a sky blue dress made out of plastic and no shoes. I felt exposed,naked.
The door creaked open. At first I thought,"Is the door magically levitating?" But then I looked again. There was a short and pudgy old man standing at the door with black glasses that looked as if they were going to break off any second. I had to look down more than once just to be able to see him properly.
"I've been waiting for you Lena Whitts," The old man stated.
How did he know my name? I don't even know my last name,how come he does? Loads of questions started to pour into my mind making me think. "How do you know my name?" I finally got the courage to ask after staring at him for a long period of time.
"Lena,it's me,Harrold. I'm sorry. I...I had to. I'm sorry. It was all a disguise. I was a disguise," Harrold explained. My mouth widened as if I was going to say something but then it closed again.
I didn't know what to say. Harrold had betrayed me. Taken me here,taken Nana Rowe.
"Why Harrold,why? Actually,I don't even know if your name is really Harrold,"I blurted out without thinking.
He paused for a second and then spoke,"There isn't a lot I can tell you. I'm not able to. Something is controlling me. It's controlling the world. Only some people have managed not to be abducted by this mind controlling person. Nana and I have both been abducted. The abducted ones are called Voyes. If you want to learn more about your past and future,venture out into the wild in search for Old Man Mike. He isn't a Voye,he is like you- I can't say any more."
I walked right past Harrold and out the door. I need to find this 'Mike' guy.

A/N: How was this chapter? I wanted a little but of drama and it worked! Chapter 3 is coming soon,it takes me a while to write these because I focus on the quality not the quantity. Please leave your suggestions and comments below and please vote! Thanks :)

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