Stride 43: Welcome Back Chrono!

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Again no pics for now (I'm too lazy, xD)

December 31 before New Year

Tokoha: I know it's too late to say this, but why are we just walking around the streets!?! It's our date! I pouted

Chrono: I know just wait! Ahahaha...I just let out a slight laugh

Tokoha: I still pouted from his response. Fine! And by the way Chrono...

Chrono: Hm?

Tokoha: About Christmas, I guess strong feelings is the way to break what Ban did to you, I'm really glad that it's not permanent. I felt relief about it

Chrono: I'm just as glad as you are, but I feel way better that your situation isn't worse, I didn't know if he was planning something to you while I was not awake at those times

Tokoha: Well fear no more! I'm a strong girl after all!

Chrono: "Girl" you say...? I grinned, teasing her

Tokoha: I blushed...I MEANT WOMAN! STRONG WOMAN! Yeah, that's right..."strong" woman!

Chrono: Yeah, yeah...I chuckled

Tokoha: Hmmph...! And you call yourself a man?!

Chrono: Wha?! O-Of course I am! I stuttered...damn you Tokoha, you countered me like that

Tokoha: Now's my chance! I created a smug look on my face and said. Heh...? Is that so? I don't think you're a man yourself, Chrono. Without backing down I continued to tease him, not letting him to win

Chrono: Tch...Argh! If that's the case...Well then...You leave me no choice, Tokoha! Let's do it then!


Tokoha: I blinked thrice, no...five times. He's not serious...right? Right?! RIGHT!?! Eh...? I can't say something except that...

Chrono: "Eh...?" That's it? Okay, I think I took it too do I get out of this situation?

Opening (OP 3):

Chrono: Umm...just forget it...I sighed, this is awkward...

Tokoha: I put my right hand on my chest, tapped it, clenched my fist, took a breather, and looked at Chrono with a serious gaze

Chrono: Wha?! What's with this atmosphere? Why does she look serious? Wait a sec! This is wrong! I know I want to do "it", but not now. I mean...wait, it's not illegal right? We're basically at the right age, right? No! It's definitely wrong! I'm overthinking this! ARGH!!! I'm sweating at this tense atmosphere, what should I do? I gotta change the topic somehow. Um...there has to be something...

Tokoha: I mustered up my courage to answer his question. Um-

Chrono: Oh right! There's a great Takoyaki there! Let's go! Let's go! AHAHA! Why am I being like this? As I walked to the place, Tokoha grabbed a bit of my jacket to stop me from walking, and I stopped. Oh no...but at the same time, oh...yes??? NO!

Tokoha: ...I haven't answered the question right? Um I-

Chrono: Ahhhh! Ahahahaha! That? Well, I was just joking! You know? I'm a clown! Ahaha! "I'm a clown"? Wow nice statement Chrono

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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