Chapter 2 - Quinton

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You nod your head and Alexis moves forward and spins the glass bottle. For a second you were scared it would land on Quinton, but it turned out pointing to your left. You started laughing knowing the kiss wouldn't happen since it landed on Bryce. Well, you were wrong, Alexis gets up, grabs Bryce's face and starts a full-on make out session in front of everyone.

Chapter 2

Seeing Bryce not even try to back out made it even worse. Everyone was shocked. You got up to run upstairs and locked eyes with Quinton on your way. His eyes were glassy from tears wanting to come down. You ran upstairs and Alexis had just realized what she'd done. She tries following you but you close the door behind you before she could get in your room. You lay on your bed tears running down your face. Not only had you lost your boyfriend but you had lost him to your best friend.

Alexis (on the other side of the door): Y/n, please listen to me.

Y/n: Alexis just leave. I don't want you near me right now.

Alexis: Please Y/n I'm sorry--

You opened the door to your room.

Y/n: Alexis you really want to help me right now? Call the party off and leave. You're the last person I want to speak to right now.

She turned her back with teary eyes and went downstairs. A few minutes later, your house was empty so you went to bed and to cried yourself to sleep. You would have normally gotten to your best friend for comfort and reassurance, but this time, she was part of the reason you were feeling this way. Halfway through your sleep, you get a snapchat from Bryce:

👤  Bryce❤️❤️                                                  📞  🎥     >


Bryce❤️❤️: y/n, i'm so sorry please can we talk?

You: Bryce I don't want to talk right now.

Bryce❤️❤️:I'm sorry.

You tried falling asleep but you couldn't help but think of what had happened. You knew Alexis was hurt because of Quinton, but it wasn't a reason to make out with her best friends boyfriend.

After a big two and a half hours of sleep you finally got up. You decided to stay comfy so you threw sweatpants and a shirt on. It looked like this:

You go downstairs to get ready to go get yourself breakfast at Starbucks

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You go downstairs to get ready to go get yourself breakfast at Starbucks. You grab your keys and then hear a weird noise. You turned around to Quinton getting up from the couch.

Y/n: Quinton what are you doing here?

Quinton: I'm sorry I should've asked, but I told my mom I was sleeping over at Alexis and then everything happened and I didn't want to have to explain myself.

Y/n: Oh don't worry about it. I was just about to get some Starbucks, do you want me to grab you anything.
Quinton: Actually would you mind if I came with you.

Y/n: Not at all.

He grabs his phone and you both get into your car.

Quinton: I know you probably think I'm stupid for always messing it up with Alexis. And being in her place yesterday, I would have gotten mad too. But you need to know that what she said, is not what really happened.

Y/n: Well she did seem pretty mad Quinton. For her to kiss my boyfriend, it must've been pretty messed up.

Quinton: I know and I'm sorry about what happened but I wasn't checking anyone out.

Y/n: Then what were you doing?

Quinton: See, my friend Jayden was trying to get over his ex. It's been really hard for him since the breakup. I was just trying to help him find a girl yesterday. I wasn't "checking girls out" the way Alexis thought I was.

Y/n: Wow, and that really took a turn hasn't it.

Quinton: I'm really sorry about what happened. I would have never thought Bryce would—

Y/n (cutting him off): You know what? If he was able to do this to me he probably didn't care as much as I thought he did.

Quinton: And I never thought Alex could move on so fast.

You ordered your food in the drive through and got back home.

Quinton: Do you have anything planned today?

Y/n: Well considering I'm not talking to my boyfriend or my best friend, no, not really. Why?

Quinton: Maybe we could be lonely together and not cry on our own.

Y/n: I mean, we could.

You got some candies in the kitchen and both went to the living room to watch Netflix. You and Quinton spent the day together. You had never spent one on one time with him, you were always with Alexis when you saw him, but despite every argument he had with Alex, he was a really nice guy. At around nine o'clock, Quinton had to get back home. So you both walked towards the door.

Quinton: I had a really nice time today.

Y/n: Yeah it was nice.

Quinton: Are you free tomorrow?

Y/n: Yeah, we should do something.

Quinton: I'll be here at 10, be ready.

Y/n: Where are we—

Quinton: Byeeee

Quinton got in his car and drove off.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, comment what you think I should work on and what you would like to see next:))

My best friends boyfriend (Quinton Griggs)Where stories live. Discover now