Bust Your Kneecaps

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(song fic and wiley X reader)

Johnny don't leave me, you said you'd me love forever

Your boyfriend (his name is John) had just broken up with you, he cheated on you and he hit you.

Honey belive me, I'll have your heart on platter

You keep leaving notes to him and they stared to get more and more creepy

Might you recall, we've got a small family business

He forgot about your 'family business'

And the family won't like this!

The 'family' was angry

They'll bust your kneecaps, oh wop de do wop de do

I kept leaving threats, the main one being 'they'll bust your kneecaps' (I saw 2 meaning for this, but this one means shooting some ones knees)

They'll bust your kneecaps, oh wop de do, wop de do

My friend willbur or wiley , is now emailing him threats.

Johnny you told me, you were no fool, you we're no chump.

He new I had trust issues, he promised he was good.

Then you got cold feet, now all you'll be is a speed bump.

The 'family' mainly willbur calls him speed bump, they want to run him over.

It's something we call oh just a small family business

You had him now he was trapped in you now boyfriend willburs basement.

And the family won't like this

My gang the nightkids (see what I did there?) was kicking the shit out of him

They'll bust your kneecaps oh wop de do wop de do

I shot his knees.

They'll bust your kneecaps that's what there going to do

Willbur shot him in the head. Willbur put his arm around my waist and said "we killed him sugar" and kissed my temple.

"sweet revenge"

So this was originally going to be joey X reader but then

DepressoBiEspreso wanted a wiley X reader.

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