Chapter 2 - Phone a Friend

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What on earth just happened? He could be a creep! Charlotte thought, surely he's not "an actor." He had to be some theatre student. But did it really matter? That voice in her head was asking again, a cute guy wants to talk to you. Fair enough. She packed up her paints for the day, swearing to herself as she dropped a tube of burnt umber. She bent down, a bit flustered, and plucked it from space in-between the slats of wood that made up the porch, and pushed through the screen door, easel in tow.

Packing away her things, she sat at the kitchen table, sipping some water up. If the house hadn't been falling apart, it'd be beautiful, she thought, almost embarrassed Timothée had to see that she lived there. But the landlord gave the girls an impeccable rate, so it was hard to actually complain. It was still early, but Jessica was probably just finishing her run. Charlotte gave a half shrug, and dialed her number. She picked up after a ring.

"Hey roomie, what's up? Only a few more days 'till Natasha and I are back with you in hell!"

"Come on," Charlotte said with an uneasy chuckle, "it's not that bad. Aren't you taking like 15 credits this semester anyway?"

"Maybe," Jessica huffed. Charlotte could picture her wavy hair falling out of her ponytail, brown wisps floating about. She moved her own dirty blonde hair from her face.

"I met our neighbor next door," she said quietly.

"Oh! The guy you said who lives alone? He doesn't, right?"

"No, he does."

"Really? He must be rich. Is he cute?" Charlotte's cheeks colored.

"Very. And he's an actor, so he probably is. I feel like he's lying though. You watch movies, right?"

"Wait an actor? Tell me everything."

So Charlotte did. And she could hear Jessica enter her own house, rustling around frantically. "For some reason I have the craziest feeling about this," she said out of breath.


"Because if it is who I think it is, he's SUPER famous."

"I guess I really do live under a rock," Charlotte mused, getting nervous.

"You just have to get out more," Jessica said. She knew Charlotte had issues with anxiety. Charlotte was lucky she had Jessica and Natasha to live with at all- she hadn't made many actual friends in college. But the two were always nice to her after they all met in a required university course their sophomore year, and Natasha and Jess were slowly pushing Charlotte out of her shell ever since.

"Charlie? Did you get the picture I sent you? If it's this guy I'm literally going to scream."

Charlotte switched to speakerphone, and took a glance at the text she received. She gulped.

"Now, when you say famous, you mean like a side character on an SVU episode, right?"

"Is it him?!" Jessica asked, as Charlotte's heart sank. It was Timothée alright, and it was a picture from the Oscars.

 It was Timothée alright, and it was a picture from the Oscars

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"Oh gosh," Charlotte murmured. "Yeah, that's our neighbor." Jessica was freaking out on the other side of the line. Charlotte had finished her water after anxiously slurping it up. She got up, beginning to pace.

"He was literally NOMINATED for an Oscar, Charlie!!!" Jessica was practically screaming. "This is INSANE!"

"I know!" Charlotte said. "And I'm meeting him for coffee apparently!"

A/N: Okay this is short but there is another coming right after. Also Wattpad's spacing is weird so I'm not going to indent paragraphs I guess because when I paste it in from my word processor it's like nothing happened. Obviously that isn't the most recent Timmy Oscars pic, I'm unsure when I want this set. 

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