Rainy Day Cuddles (Riot x Reader)

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Your socks squish in your shoes as you make your way down the hall to your dorm room. Water drips from the loose hair near your forehead. Your now soaked sweater clings to your arms and back. When you stop to get your key out of your backpack, water collects in a puddle around your feet. You are soaked.

Thank God you kept your phone in your backpack. While the rest of you looked like you went for a swim fully clothed, the inside of your backpack is only slightly damp. You wipe your hand on your pants in a vain attempt to dry them before checking your notifications.

3 texts from your roommate asking about food, 1 from your mom asking about "teen lingo", and 31 from your boyfriend Riot. Shit, you were supposed to meet him right after class, but the rain made you forget your plans. Damn, I feel bad. You quickly shoot him a text explaining you are at your dorm changing and will meet him in 30 minutes.

"Ugh, I need to get out of these wet clothes," you sigh, pealing your sweater over your head. You walk into the bathroom and wring it out before hanging it to dry on the towel rack. You do the same thing with your jeans, but just throw your socks and under garments into the hamper.

As if this day cannot get any worse, your body decides to give you a big "F you" downstairs. Great. At least you aren't pregnant. Taking 3 ibuprofen, you hurry up to get changed so you can meet up with Riot.

Drying off your body with towel, you pick out some warm black leggings, fluffy socks, and a comfy sweatshirt. As you go to grab your rain boots, but before you can head out, you near a familiar knock on the door. Turning the handle, you are immediately tackled onto your bed by one super tall, mask wearing big ass bitch.

"Gee offa me, yoo are smotherin mee!" You cry as Riot wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close. "And you're all WET!! I jus got DRY!"

Water drips onto your face from Riots dreadlocks, and your new warm clothes are already getting soaked.

"No, I am not letting you go! I was worried and missed you all day!" Riot says, smiling. At least you assume he's smiling. His whole aura is pretty sunshiney for this rainy day.

"Dude, you're literally making me wet again," you shout, then blush. Wrong phrasing. Riot laughs and lets you go, standing up and beginning to pull off his wet spec ops gear.

"AH, wait do you have a change of clothes?" You sputter out. Not that you mind a spectacular view of your boyfriend's jacked body, but now really isn't the time.

"Ha, like you care if I'm wearing any clothes," he responds. You can tell he winked when he said that. At this point he's standing in your dorm room wearing nothing but his tight boxer briefs and, of course, his mask.

"Bro, seriously though. We can't go get food or anything if you aren't wearing clothes," you say, swinging your legs so you're sitting on the side of your bed. "And don't say something like 'I'm the only snack you need' because you know that's not what I mean."

Shrugging, Riot sits down next to you, pressing his mask close to your right ear. "Aw, come on, I know you want this thicc, voluptuous cake," he purrs, slapping his own ass for effect.

"Ah!" you splutter, shoving him off of your bed. "Listen, now isn't exactly a, uh, great time for what you have in mind."

"Why not?" Riot pops his head up, resting it on your bed.

"Umm, without being too graphic here, my uterus is 'cleaning house', and I don't really want to, uh, deal with that right this second." you explain.

Riot cocks his head in confusion, then stiffens. "Oh, I get it. Ok, well, plan b it is."

He stand up, walks over to your dresser, pulls out your largest pair of sweats, and heads to the bathroom. After a few seconds, he comes back out wearing your grey sweatpants, holding his wet underwear in his left hand. He drops them with the rest of his wet clothes, then tackles you again to your bed. Then, Riot grabs your softest, fluffiest blanket and covers the two of you.

He lays on his side, pulling you close to his chest. You can feel his heartbeat against your back. His hands shift from caressing your stomach to grabbing the sides of his mask, pulling it off. "That feels much better on my neck," he whispers as his hands reappear on your waist.

He draws soothing circles all over your stomach, and softly kisses your neck and hairline, slowly lulling you into a sleepy state.

"This is the other way we can sleep together, baby," he whispers. You sigh on contentment, slowly drifting off to sleep in Riot's safe arms. Maybe today isn't so bad.

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