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Looking through God's mirror!
Beauty, majesty and absolute elegance
My mere framed-glass sweetly echoes in my ears
It doesn't fascinate me as it did the day before regardless
It just reflects the meaning of my life; worthless
I've got nothing to lose, no goals and dreams to look forward to
So you might as well call me the 21st century female version of Cain
For my heart aches with such immense pain
But that is the price I had to pay for not halting his attempts before it was too late
But as though unbearable pain was not a sufficient enough punishment
I've had to bear the weight of my shame and disgrace each day
That's the mark that God has placed on my forehead for all to see
So that no one may relieve me of this everlasting pain and misery
Yes, not even me!
Instantly overcome by strength as tremendous as Samson's,
I pound my fists hard at my own reflection
The sound of the glass breaking is not calming as I thought it would but rather greatly mocking
The shards of glass flying in all directions look like they were being run down by a bulldozer
Ignoring the oozing blood from each finger, an agonizing replica of my shed blood on the sheets that night, as I hit even harder
Every shard is still replaying every scene
Do you want to know what I experienced on the 1st of August, 1990?
Listen carefully as I share my painful story

We were friends but occasionally he told me how much he loved me
Call me naive, but I thought it was the same love like the one from the popular song in Barney
Turns out he didn't just see us as best friends as friends should be
Our great big hugs turned into fondling and caressing but in no time I allowed it all
Because he wasn't the same chubby boy I knew when we were four
So by and by I began to really notice his handsomeness afterwards
The only difference was mine was just a measly crush while his was pure evil lust
But I was oblivious to this and one night changed it all
No, it wasn't at a bar or night club; I was smart enough to know that could be a prime rape site
It happened in my own home where we had been countless times
How was I to know the place which held our childhood memories would become my worst nightmare?
And it took just a spiked drink and a perverted person
For me to lose my virginity and dignity at a young age of 17

The whole time I recounted to you my ordeal, I kept my eyelids sealed
Because picturing it would simply drive me crazy
But now I'm looking through a new glass, so bright, it seems surreal
A man in dazzling apparel, I see, with my reflection in the mirror
But somehow in the mirror, both on the inside and out, I didn't look dirty but undefiled and pure
In his hands, I saw the soiled sheets I kept under my abandoned bed
But with a snap of his finger, it becomes spotless and he drapes it on my shoulders
That man was more powerful than Thor, that man was my Saviour
I couldn't stop the tears that were flowing continuously
Until He stood before me, wiped away all my tears and said:

Meaning behind the chosen name, Diamond:
1. Diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring substance on earth signifying strength!💪🏾
2. Diamonds are precious jewels and God sees every creation as a JEWEL!!!💎
3. A diamond is also defined as a special thing or PERSON! Every reader here is a diamond to me🥰
4. Diamond is my BIRTHSTONE! If it's yours too comment below🤩🥳

Just like all my other pieces I love it! But this is just one step ahead!😍 I was like "God did I just write this, thank you so much!"🙌 God will use your talents to amaze not just others but YOURSELF as well! CAN I GET AN AMEN?🙏🗣
~Xoxo, Ann💗

Tales of the insoluble dilemma of teenage girls❤️ |✔️Where stories live. Discover now