part two arrival of the strongest

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                          (Y/N) POV

I look around and see I'm in a medieval town I look down at myself to see I am wearing something just like what my father wore my attention is caught by an announcement.

???:all able body adventures to the front gate kazumas party in particular.

(Y/N): might as well find out what that was about must be important.


I arrived at the front gate and saw a busty woman clad in armor wielding a long sword swing at a ... headless knight.

(Y/N):well that's new.

He was about to swing at her.

                Kazuma POV

Verdia was about to swing at darkness when a man wearing spandex and a yellow (what ever the fuck the thing DIO wore over the spandex) on suddenly appears and catches the sword.

???:hello there

All adventurers:why do I hear boss music.

Verdia:wait where did you -

He was suddenly sent flying and I was confused.


Verdia:what the hell was that.

The man in appeared infront of him.

???:that was the power of my stando

Verdia:what the hell's a stando

???:what's gonna kill you that's what

Verdia:.....I'm gonna kill you now.

He swing his sword only for the man to disappear.

Verdia:what the

???:behind you

Verdia:how did you? you know what doesn't matter.

He starts repeatedly swinging his sword and the man repeatedly disappears.


???:you missed.

???:try again.

???:oh that was a close one.

Verdia swung again but a yellow arm appears and punches him in the gut making him double over to his knees.


Adventurers:what's that

                       (Y/N) POV

(Y/N):so the people here can see stands must be because they have magic.

I look at the headless knight and didn't see a single dent even after that hit from the world I look at the adventurers.

(Y/N):any of you know this things weakness.

Random guy: nope

(Y/N):then find it while I beat this thing into the ground.

The headless guy gets back up so I stop time and stand rush him.

(Y/N):MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA. Time flows once more.

As time starts back up he gets sent flying back and as he gets back up someone fires water at him and he dodges.

(Y/N):so that's it water what a stupid weakness almost as stupid as sunlight here... sorry father.

As the spray water at him a flood suddenly happens and once the water calms down I see the headless knight on his knees.

???:sacred turn undead.

After the person says that a light appears over the headless knight and he turns to dust.


I arrive at what I believe is the adventurers guild and enter as I enter I hear random banter that I don't pay attention to as I reach the counter I see a blonde woman with rather voluptuous um assets.

Busty lady:hello are you here to become a adventurer.

(Y/N):yes I am

Busty lady:ok do you have  the registration fee.

I check my pocket and find a small bag of coins so I put the bag on the countertop.

(Y/N):is that enough?

Busty lady:yes it is now.

She takes out a blue orb.

Busty lady:please place your hand over the blue orb.

I do as she asks and I see a card.

Busty lady:WOW ALL YOUR STATS ARE INCREDIBLY HIGH except your luck is abysmally low you could be anything you want.

(Y/N):hm my stand is the ultimate close range power type but that's what it is a close range power type so I need something to cover for my lack of range. arch mage

The guild erupted in cheers and wows
of admiration.

That's it for this chapter you have asserted your dominance over the other adventurers next time you shall join the party.


stand user in a new world (malereaderXkonosuba)Where stories live. Discover now