START ; Schizophrenia

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Let me introduce our character. He is Matthieu Riego 26 years old with a four years old daughter, Kazandra Riego. Kazandra's mother died the day she was born but that didn't stopped Matthieu to love his daughter and make sure to take care of her well.

He almost lost his sane when his daughter is on her death bed a year ago. And right now they are celebrating Kazandra Riego's fifth birthday.

No visitors, no grand feast. Just the two of them celebrating.

"Dada?" Matthieu lift up his head from looking at his phone to look at his daughter who called him. A smile instantly crept on his lips when he saw his daughter eating messily.

He chuckled whilst looking at his daughter and brought up his hand that is holding a face towel to wipe the chocolate smudge on his daughter's face.

"What is it baby?" He asked his daughter.

" Dada, where's mama?" Her eyes look so innocent whilst asking. Matthieu gulped and heavily sighed. He doesn't know if he should tell it to her. But his daughter been with him for 5 years now, his daughter that helped her to atleast ease the pain he is feeling.

His daughter that stayed by his side through up and down.

Telling her the truth won't hurt right? He asked himself. She's still young, she'll forget about it sooner. Matthieu sighed and smiled sadly at his daughter while combing her hair.

"Your mother died, baby." He said in a really low voice. He looked at his daughter to see her reaction but there was none. She pouted and smiled.

"Am I going to see mama, dada?" She asked while smiling. Shock was written on Matthieu's face he don't know what to say. He still doesn't want to lose his daughter.

He almost lost her! He won't let it happen again.

"Soon baby, soon." Was all he could say to her.

"Why soon, dada? I want to meet mama!" Kazandra cried making Matthieu panic. He hurriedly stands up and went to her side to hug her. He held his head and hug her tight.

"I'm sorry, baby. Daddy can't save mama back then. We will meet her soon, baby. Soon but not now." Matthieu assured her daughter. Kazandra stopped crying and for a second she went silent until she spoke.

"Dada?" She called him whilst her face is buried on his chest.

"Hmm?" Matthieu answered.

"Do you love me, Dada?" Kazandra asked her father. Matthieu smiled and swing his body while he's caressing Kazandra's hair.

"Of course, baby. Daddy love's you so much." Matthieu smiled and closed his eyes feeling his daughter's warmth.

"If you love me. Let me go, Dada." Kazandra's voice was begging. Matthieu opened his eyes and what he saw didn't even shocked him.

His back on the nursery room inside of the hospital.

The most hated place of his life.

Everything was silent until a nursery rhyme played.

"Twinkle twinkle little star.." Matthieu linger his eyes around the dark and cold nursery room. His eyes landed on the table beside the cabinet.

"How I wonder what you are."

On the top of the table lays a music player. He assumed that the music came from there. He stands up from seating down on the ragged bed and walk his way towards the table.

"Up above the world so high." His hand is about to reach the music player when a cold breeze hits his skin.

"Like a diamond in the sky.." He looked outside and his gaze met the dark night sky.

"Twinkle twinkle little stars.." He turned to look at the music player to make it stop but it stopped working. Silence ate the room.

"How I wonder what you are." A soft and tiny voice rang around the room and when he turned around he came face to face with a little girl in a worn out hospital dress. Her skin is pale and her eyes are red.

"Let me go, dada." Her voice rang around the room.

"Kazandra.. Let's go home.." Matthieu said in a low voice. Matthieu smiled when Kazandra starts to walk towards him. Instead of getting scared by her appearance, he's more happy

When Kazandra stopped infront of him. He's about to hug her but she stepped back and reached for his hand and place something there and when he looked at his hands it was a medicine.

"Let go of me, Dada. I want to be at peace. Drink your medicine, Dada. Don't worry about me. Mama will take care of me." Her appearance suddenly changed, she looks like an angel now. Kazandra smiled at him.

"! Kazandra!" Matthieu shouted but Kazandra only smiled at her.

"I love you, Dada."

Everything went silent.

Matthieu sat on the ground holding his face. Tears starts streaming down his face. He shut his eyes tight when a memory came across his mind.

Kazandra Riego, Time of death 12:13 am.

Matthieu's jaw tightened and punched the doctor.

"Fuck you! She's alive! She's not dead! She's smiling at me! Fuck you! You're a doctor but you're uttering nonsense!" The doctor coughed blood and the nurses immediately separate them and the injected Matthieu.

Matthieu started laughing and looked at his palm. There is no medicine. His smile fade and quickly stand up only to notice he's inside of a white room.

"White room.." He whispered and started laughing.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE! MY DAUGHTER IS WAITING FOR ME! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" He started shouting but his shout wasn't enough. No one hears him. No one.

"I just need my daughter.." He whispered and started crying.


I'll edit this soon.

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