what if international rescue had twin sisters

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a/n i know i have written the twin sister story but this is for all of the brothers so dont go hating me for it

Scott and Sykla

Virgil and Victoria

John and Jean

Gordon and Georgetta

Alan and Alana

so the name meanings are Sykla means scolar

Victoria means victory

jean means god is gracious and is the feminine name for john so i found that kinda cute

Goergetta means little farmer

Alana means handsome, harmony, happy and is the feminine name for Alan.

that is there names and meanings.

Sykla, Victoria, Georgetta and alana have their own thunderbird similar to their twins but have different shades of that colour if that makes sense

"international rescue we have a situation," Jean said. As she was turning the holographic earth.

on tracy island Gordon, Georgetta, Alan and Alana were mucking about till they herd Jean call."go ahead jean," said the four of them in unison.

"there is a lot of work to be done all over the world under water on land,out of space and in the air all hands on deck," Jean said and john joined in at the end of it.

"wow it sounds like a Tuesday," Alan joked.

"fab John and Jean," Alana and Georgetta said resbonsable. Alan and Gordon were to busy laughing at alans dumb joke to care.

they all suited up and told Scott and the others what was up and they too suited up and soon enough they all doing there missions.

"ohh common work with me!" Victoria shouted at some rocks trying to save a young girl and her mum.

"you alright vicy? you need some help?" virgil asked.

"yes please virgil," vicy replied half fustrated half thankful.

"we are finished here, we are heading back to tracy island," Alana and Alan said.

"wait a minutes guys there is some thing i need you to get for us," john said

"and whats that? we need to get back to base we are running low on fuel so we need to get thunderbird 3 A (A stands for Alana because alan has thunderbird 3 and so the new thunderbirds have the girls' first letter of their first name as the name of the ship).

"ok then see you soon," john said

"fab," Alan and Alana said in unison.
they got back to tracy island and loaded thunderbird3A's cargo hold with the surplies and took off again.

"hey john or jean any thing else that needs to be done?" Sykla asked after stopping a plane from running into a building.

"uhh... no," jean said.

half an hour later

everone is now home and whatching a movie.

A/N i may turn this into an accual story so keep an eye out for that.

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