2-Orphic Trapping ✓

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❝No way out ❞

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No way out

Y/n was now walking the hallway of the prison accompanied by a guard covered in light armor as if he was a knight, though he knew that was not to be.

His blond hair had once again messed up, and he was whistling a low tune to himself.

But wherever, the sigh of the pictures she saw was still fresh in her mind. She couldn't believe it. How can someone be so cruel?

He was a monster.

The thought trundled through her brain like a train, with no intention of stopping.

"Don't approach him too much miss "

Y/n was pulled from her deep thoughts by the voice of the guard, but it seemed that she didn't hear him.

"Yes ? " she cleared her throat. 

"I said don't try to approach him too much and don't believe any words he said, he is a monster"

"What do you mean by not believing any words coming from him?" She asked, confused.

"Just don't, the last therapist he had was violated "

"So she was female?" Yoongi nodded his head. "Do all his previous therapists were all females ?"

"No. He had twelve therapists. Nine were males and the other were females. And as you know his last one was a female, Anna "he stopped eying the reaction of y/n, before he continues " By the way my name is Yoongi " 

"My name is Kim y/n " she muttered as he nodded.

"Miss Kim do what I told you, I don't want the same thing to repeat," He said in a hard tone, making her look at him while she nodded her head.

"Put your right thumb on this" Yoongi instructed before he mentioned the tablet sticking on the wall. Whilst he registered her information in the prison system. 

"I've got your fingertips in, now you will have to use this card if you want to enter his cell, and after that, you will use the code 1971, so the door will be open for you," Yoongi said offering her the card he talked about. 

"So, is using the card the only way to get in? " 

"Indeed" was his short response, before he continued. "We needed your fingertips just so you can have access to the prison and especially the monitor's room where you will be watching the criminal" 

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