Secrets of a Last King

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My heart was beating fast af while I was waiting on O'shey to say something, she had a blank expression on her face so I couldn't tell if she was mad or what.

       O'shey~Awww whats ur name cutie

        M~Maejor, whats yo name shawty

O'shey looked up at me and I just shook my head, he be around Trell ass to much

         O'shey~my name O'shey

          M~oh so u and my dad dating


           M~so u my mama

             O'shey~something like that

              M~o well im straight w/ it cause u fine, I taught my dad right

              Ty~*clears throat* Aye I thought u was just sleepy

               M~well see what had happen was I seen this fine girl who my new mama and it just woke me up*innocent smile*

                Ty~well to bad go to ur room lil nigga

                M~I don't have a room big nigga

                Ty~The guess room boy

                 M~*sighs* Alright bruh,goodnight Ma

                  O'shey~gn boo

When Maejor went to the room I looked at O'shey and what was just a smile was now a death look, mannnn i ain't sleeping on the couch.

                                                     ~O'shey p.o.v~

Im kinda mad at the moment but happy to. Im mad because me & Ty been dating for 4 yrs. but im just finding out about Maejor, but on the bright side I love kids soooooo happy about him living with us. I wanna decorate his room and everything.

 Ty~Look babe i know i should have told u but I was waiting for the right time

O'shey~So u think that *looks @ time* 12:00 at night is a good time when u was supposed to be home a long time ago wtf is ur problem Michael" I yelled

Ty~1st u need to stop yelling 2nd u can't talk cause u got some secrets to come clean about to O'shey"he yelled back

he never called me by my 1st name only when he was serious or mad. I  just stood there on hush mode, looking dumbfounded.

Ty~Yeah can't speak now can u, that's what I thought.


Ty~Man im out

And with that he was gone I didn't know where to and to be honest I really didn't care ,so I went upstairs checked on Mj and went straight to sleep.

                                            ~Tyga pov~

I was mad af right now at O"shey cause she think I don't know she got a baby, but she don't know I know, im just waiting for her to tell me. Anyway im on my way to Chyna house, she like my stress reliever.When I got out I knocked on the door and she answered it w/ some booty shorts on and a tank top. Swaggy

Chyna~Awww u got tired of playing husband

Ty~shut up and let me in

She moved out the way and I walked straight to the bedroom as she followed. She already know so she got on her knees and did what she did best.

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