Chapter Three

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Tate D'angelo and Benji Swanson sat on the bleachers that looked out over the school's soccer field. They laced up their cleats as they got ready for practice.

"Okay, hear me out on this one," Benji said, as he pulled the laces of his cleats tight.

"Not only was the moon landing a complete and total lie and never happened, but the reason that it was faked was to distract America from the real issues that were going on. Like I don't know, actual alien sightings?! And to distract U.S. citizens from the grief of the Beatles' last ever live performance?! People were suicidal, Tate. They needed some good news."

"Those aren't real issues!" she laughed. "And Benji, do you think the U.S. government actually cared about that?" she said, as she impatiently put her long hair up in a ponytail.

"Well, yeah! And whaddaya mean those aren't real issues? What kind of a person are you?!"

"The reason they faked it was to stop Russia from getting there first. It's logical. It makes sense." she explained.

"Okay, whatever. But I like my theory way better." he responded, completely disregarding everything she just said.

Tate leaned back on her hands and looked out onto the field.

"Coach looks stressed today," she observed.

"Doesn't he always? He's always the same shade of red," he joked.

"No, more than usual. And don't you remember yesterday when he handed us the schedule for this month's games?"

"What about it?"

"He wasn't wearing  his wedding ring. Something's going on at home."

Benji shook his head and replied, "Tate, you're too observant for your own good. But, yeah. I'd bet you his rage issues are finally rubbing off on his marriage."

"Yeah. Assumably," she said, while keeping her eyes on the field.

"Why don't you use your observational skills for something useful? Like figuring out what happened to Autumn Usher?"

"Like anyone cares about what happened to him anymore," she scoffed. "I haven't heard about him in a while. But I have more pressing matters to take care of."

"Like what?" Benji said with his arms crossed.

"I don't know, like keeping my straight A streak? Making sure I keep shooting my penalty kicks straight past you?"

"Oh shut UP!" he said as he plopped back down on the bleacher.

"Tate turned and looked at Benji's blue eyes with a mischievous smile on her face.

"What?" he said nervously.

"I do usually shoot it straight past you..."

"YES. I know, Tate. You've made it painfully clear," he said with head resting in his hands, looking down at his shoes.

"I'm just teasing you, Benji." she said, while leaning down to get him to look at her face.

"Well, here's something you didn't observe," he said, sitting up straight. He suddenly bolted to the field and called out behind him. "I'm one minute late to practice, and you're two minutes late!"

    "You were distracting me!" she yelled.

    She shook her head fondly and ran after him.

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