𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧

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"i can't believe you're getting married!" amanda watched as a nervous rachel paced the room

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"i can't believe you're getting married!" amanda watched as a nervous rachel paced the room. "and you don't seem very happy about it. are you okay rach?" she was staring at a gravy boat. amanda was confused but curious as to why rachel was looking at a gravy boat with eyes that could easily get a guy into bed. "um rach? what's wrong?"

rachel snapped out of her trance. she seemed a bit 'off'. "have you ever noticed how much barry looks like mr potato head?" she looked worried. amanda thought about rachel's question for a second and came to the realization of how true it was. barry did look a lot like mr potato head. "rach do you not want to marry barry?" she looked at her panicked friend.

"i can't marry him amanda. i just can't. i'm more turned on by this gravy boat than him. i have to get out of here" ah that makes sense now amanda thought to herself. "are you sure rachel? i mean this is your wedding. if you leave now there's no coming back." rachel nodded. "okay than. let's get you out of here"

they find a window and amanda helps rachel escape. as soon as she's out she peeks her head back in. "you should stay for a little while and see how people react" she begins to leave but turns back to the window "oh and focus on barry. tell me everything about how he reacts" amanda chuckles. "sure thing rach"


"so you wanna tell us now, or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids?" and right on queue, in walked amanda. shoes in her hand and she's soaking wet. "well barry was not happy. i mean he was devistated rachel.." amanda stops talking when she realizes who rachel is taking to. "monica? oh my god! hi!" monica smiles at her little sister "hey amanda! i didn't know you were still friends with rachel!" she laughs nervously and pulls her into a hug. "yeah, i guess we never really lost contact"

a very attractive man with dark brown hair clears his throat. "ahem. uh monica.. are you going to introduce us or what?" monica laughs "right of course. um well this is joey," he smirks and waves at her "how you doin?" amanda smiles "and this is phoebe," monica gestured to a blonde girl who has a very interesting style. she had a whimsical feel to her. "and i'm sure you remember chandler," she motions to a familiar handsome guy with brown hair and blue eyes. "oh yeah, hi!" he raised his eyebrows, smiled and waved kindly at her. "and i would sure hope you know ross." ross smiles at her and pulls her into a hug "hey amanda" she smiles "hi ross" monica cuts their conversation short "and everyone this is amanda," ross finishes for her "our little sister."

"ross i didn't know you had another sister." joey smirked while clearly checking her out. "well i'm sure you can think of a reason why i didn't tell you" ross replies rolling his eyes. "anyway..." monica begins changing the subject. "rachel, you were about to tell us what happened." amanda sits next to monica at the end of the couch and listens to rachel explain her almost wedding.

"oh god... well it started about a half hour before the wedding. we were in the room where we were keeping all the presents, and i was looking at this gravy boat. this really gorgeous lamauge gravy boat. when all of a sudden-" amanda cuts her off "she was more aroused by the damn gravy boat than barry" she said chuckling. the only other person that laughed was chandler. amanda looked at him and smiled. she turned back to rachel "continue" rachel sighed "well then I got really freaked out, and that's when it hit me. i mean how much barry looks like mr potato head." amanda snorted "he really does" she couldn't help but laugh as she thought of rachel marrying mr potato head. chandler smirked at her. rachel huffed "so anyway i just didn't know where to go, and i know that we have kinda drifted apart, but you're the only person i knew who lived here in the city." amanda sighed "yeah and i just got kicked out of my apartment so i don't have anywhere to go either"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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