A blessing in disguise ( i didnt no what to name it)

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This is my first story ever so any advice or anything will really be appreciated  :) 

Also if you dont like the story i just stop writing and try again ..:D 

also i cant really think of a title so if you think of any i would love to hear them ....





It was the worst day of my life .I was expected to be okay with just moving home .Changing my life, but hell no, screw my parents, I liked my home and the way my life was. I’m not ready to move.

 So as I sat on a bench outside of my school, the sun was bright, shining happiness on everyone,it was like it was criticizing me .As I stared at my school ,Charles High School or better known as CHS, James my boyfriend came walking up to me ,he was one of CHS jocks. Sadly the cliché is true, he isn’t the smartest bulb around but he is sweet,  that smile of his, would make any girl fumble up her words, even some guys. He was popular, handsome, but he did have some serious problems with alcohol. No one thought it was a big deal, but if you had to kiss that mouth, you would be annoyed about it. He was wearing our school jacket with our crest on it, a bird with crossed swords in front of it, he was wearing blue Levi jeans that were a bit on the small side, but he still looked good.

“Hey, Ash what you doing out here? Schools about to start, you should come in.” James said to me, making me focus on his worried eyes. I kept staring at him. “Yeah, I’ll be in a while im just thinking.”He sat down beside me. When he did I noticed him fidgeting. He only ever did that when he had something on his mind. He looked at his hands when he spoke.

“Look Ash, I know about the whole moving thing must be difficult and all but I have to tell you something. “ I didn’t know what he was talking about .I lightly placed my hand on his broad shoulder.”You can tell me anything, you know that.”He opened his mouth then closed it and repeated this movement for a while, he reminded me of a fish. He finally started saying “I’m not interested in “ the school bell rung three times .When it stopped I cut the conversation short. “Sorry James .Come on you can tell me later.” He agreed. When we walking in to the hall, Nancy Miller the skank of the school came walking my way. I had no idea how guys found her attractive, she had a huge head- for her ego, she was way too skinny , like size zero is actually a size, her blonde hair was like straw and her nose was obviously fake,but i guess cause she puts out theses characteristics could be forgotten.As she came closer James abruptly stopped.

“I just remembered I said I’d meet up with the guys before class. Bye.”He walked hastily for the door. When I turned my head back to the now almost empty hall. Nancy was right in front of me.

“ Excuse me, Im trying to get to class.” I said, holding my breath ,her perfume was overpowering. OH MY GOD it was making my eyes water.

“Your such a loser , Im glad you moving so I don’t have to put up with your disgusting  face anymore.” I really want to punch her in the face ,but I saw a teacher coming out of class to see the hold up, and who was coming closer. So I decided to play the innocent card.

“ Excuse me Nancy put I would like to go to class.” I said in my most sweetest voice.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? I mean your such a stupid freak. I know your mam  is doing us all a favour by moving you across the world so we don’t have to see-” Her rant was cut off  by Mr. Gilmer my English teacher who coughed very loudly so all of us could hear him. Nancy froze. When she turned around Mr. Gilmer asked “Whats going on here?” Nancy  mumbled “Nothing ,sir “ But his face showed no reaction to what she said like he completely ignored her. He cocked his head to me. “Ashley Jackson what happened?” I looked around . I didn’t want to spend my last day of school in the Principals office explaining what happened. So I decided to drop it. “ No sir, just playing around. You know girls just being girls.” He gave me one more glance and then said."Right then get to class all of you .” As he left I turned to Nancy, with the widest grin I could manage .” Oh Nancy , Im moving up state not the around the world .Do you not know were California is? Any way got to go.” I turned to head to class but I knew I was going to get payback for showing her up .That thought alone wiped my grin off my face. 


A blessing in disguise ( i didnt know what to name it )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt