A Summer Shower

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Pit.. Pit.. Pit..

Flourishing and renowned, this was a metropolis that reveled in the limelights of the world. New York City—home to the famous Statue of Liberty, a monument that stood proudly over the Upper New York Bay; famed skyscrapers, that as their name imply, seemed to touch the skies themselves and attractions that brought in tourists by the tens of millions. It truly was a city that never slept. Almost. While normally a bustling city with streets and roads filled with commuting people, today the streets were sparsely populated. Although the rare individual could be spotted if one looked close enough, the streets remained empty: uniquely so. Granted few things could stop the tenacity of New Yorkers and their stubborn attitude, even they knew when to not push their luck. 

Heavy clouds loomed over the streets of New York City, casting a gloomy atmosphere that seemed to enshroud the city in a thick veil of eerie haziness. Like a sponge that had soaked up far too much water, it hung menacingly in the sky, spilling droplets that ever increased in abundance.

Perhaps as a foreshadowing on what was soon to come, the beginning of July started off with a bout of thunderous storms that even the most headstrong of rain lovers decided they'd simply enjoy the comforts of their home for today.

Pitter Patter Pitter Patter

Andrew's head cocked to the side curiously, the faint sound making him conscious of the downpour of rain drizzling down his windows in small rivulets. He couldn't scarcely see outside of his window anymore, not that he really minded. He liked the peaceful nature of watching little droplets racing to the bottoms of window panes, only to fall onto someone's else in a continuation of its race to the earth. Or sometimes even straight to the ground if it was unlucky enough—or maybe lucky? He didn't know.

But he liked rooting for one and silently cheering it on. The simple act digging up fond memories of when he would sit snuggled up in a burrito of blankets in his bedroom windowsill, a mug of hot chocolate clutched carefully between his small pudgy hands. He'd spend entire afternoons sipping away contentedly at his hot drink, watching the drizzling rain. Rainy days were always far and few in-between when he was younger, so he was always filled with disappointment when his droplet lost, maybe a little bit too invested perhaps.

But these ones were much too fast and hectic for his eyes to follow a specific one, something that vaguely saddened him. The city rain was much more intense than the rain storms he had experienced in the towns he had lived in previously. New York City: It was a completely new world to him at first, and, to be honest, still is. Transitioning from the countryside of Ohio to the city streets wasn't something that he was quite fond of, especially with all the adjusting and getting accustomed to this new lifestyle—it wasn't fun. 

But honestly? He preferred his new life. It was a little cramped, sure, he couldn't deny that. And maybe there was just a little more people than he was comfortable with, giving him just a few extra gray hairs that he couldn't say he wholly appreciated. Plus he didn't have the same amount of privacy he used to have either, it wasn't anything close to a perfect life, not at all.

Despite all that, this life he had in New York? It was definitely something he could learn to more than love. The high speed internet, grocery stores barely a five minute walk away, the comforting weather, the normalcy of everything—he loved it all. And while he wasn't one to ever gloat about anything really, he couldn't lie that he had a lot working in his favor. 

So he often spent days at a time cooped away in his apartment, only ever leaving when he absolutely had to, which was more than a blessing for someone like him. He didn't know what he'd do really if he had to constantly bare the pressure of societal norms and expectations, so he was thankful for that at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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