Awesome, not perfect

33 4 2

You might say I'm not normal, but there is no such thing as a normal person. And even if there was I wouldn't want to be in a million years,

You might gossip and backbite about me, I would like to tell you those words actually do hurt me.

You know how the rhyme goes "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"

I found out words do hurt but if u blank them out its fine, but I need help to do that.

I found out from a personal discussion with someone. They told me that I didn't shine.

They keep on telling me I'm a joke,

That I'll never be anything.

That I will choke,

All of a sudden I've stopped believing in my self

I've stopped reaching, stopped working.

I'm sorry I'm not the best,

I'm sorry I'm not the prettiest.

I'm sorry if i don't look human to you

Or if my emotions are just more confusing than yours.

I'm just saying now not saying again keep you opinions to yourself,

And stay away.

All of a sudden your nice to me,

Pretending that never happened before.

Trying to hide,

Trying to lock that door.


Ok so here's another poem hope you like it.

Not much to say... Ohh I was going to post another poem but lost that one and I've been saving my poems on my tablet and that is where the problems come in. I copied it the without thinking I deleted it from my note on my tablet and then when it came to pasting it I went to wattpad and then I received something from another social media and I pressed it then I remembered that I didn't post the poem so I went back to post it and it said that I hadn't copied anything so... Yeah that is what happened.

The poem was called 'The journey' and it was about struggles that you might face in your life. I'll try and remake it but I'm sure it won't be as good. But yeah.

Back to this poem... I wrote this poem about 10 minutes ago and I wrote it for people who are facing bullying actually, don't know why because I just posted a poem about bullying...

Yes for the people who have been asking me I have started authors note and that will be posted either on top or on the bottom of my poems and that will be every like two poems.

So that's it for this long authors note.(it wont be this long next time)

Remember to:

Vote - because it make me happy

Share - because all love all the people who do

Comment - because I would love to hear your opinion

Also for the people who are going through bullying I would like to tell u your not alone xx I have once been bullied, I would also like to say tell someone because if u keep it in u it just makes it worse so yeah. To the people who are thinking about bullying don't because you wouldn't like it if u were in their shoe so choose kindness. Love I all


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