Attracted and Admired

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Gabriel's POV
-After I walk out Nathalie I went back inside to my office remembering what has happened today I grabbed my sketchpad and continued sketching designs but I can't focus, so I called my close friend Christian who owns the famous Lust club here in Paris-

This is Christian Zamora

Hey Chris its Gabriel

Oh hey been a long time Gabriel! What can I do for you?

Are you free right now? I need to talk to you

Gabriel if its you I'm always free where should we meet?

At your club in 10

You got it! See you

-I hung up and went to my bedroom to change my clothes-

-I decided to wear all black so less people will notice me going out on a club-

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-I decided to wear all black so less people will notice me going out on a club-

-I arrived at the club after 10 minutes of driving I let the valet take my car and two guards quickly guided me inside and of course some paparazzi took some shots of me. When I got inside I was full of people drinking and dancing all night then Christian spotted me near the front door-

The one and only Gabriel Agreste! Good to see you again!

You too Christian!

Please follow me I got us hooked up at my new VIP area!

-I followed him and we got in this gorgoeus VIP area, no music completely soundproof-

-I followed him and we got in this gorgoeus VIP area, no music completely soundproof-

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I know its a work in progress I haven't open it yet and you're the first to see it

Well you did a good job

Thank you -he signal a bartender to for their drinks-

A40 on the rocks and yours? No thank you

Oh okay sooo.. what are you gonna talk about Gabriel?

Well I have something to tell but its our secret Christian!

Okay you have my word

Well I assume you know Mayura the superheroine?

Of course, everyone knows her

Well.. She came at my house earlier



Whoa whoa so she just came in? Or broke in?

Well she accidentally landed in my office and I was surprised

What it she look like?

She's beautiful, elegant, kind, fierce and...

She's sexy?

Yeah her big magenta eyes.. and she has this side that makes me attracted to her

Wow Gabriel Agreste a famous designer of Paris attracted to a superheroine, so what happened next?

Well we talked she asks a few questions


She pointed the portrait of Emilie I told her she's my wife who died a year ago, she saw the pictures of Adrien and Nathalie's desk-

Oh that assistant of yours how is she?

Nathalie? She's okay, she works a lot she actually fainted earlier cause of work I carried her to my bedroom to rest, to be honest my admiration for her turned into something more and i have this tension towards her I can't explain it and-

Waaaaiitt a minute! So you are attracted to Mayura right?


And you cared for your assistant right?


Do you realize what you just said? Gabriel... You're beginning to like both women!


Yeah think about it you like Mayura and you're into Nathalie!!

I didn't thought about that

But you have to choose only one Gabriel, don't be too greedy

But I can't I feel the same for them well almost

What? Let me be clear you liked Mayura already after meeting for like 15 minutes and now you just let your feelings lead you to what you wanna do,while your assistant who's been like many years with you and you just discovered something just now?


Gabriel you are both dumb and blind of your feelings for both of them

Wow that hurts...

Its true think about it... And word of advice find out who you truly attracted and admired with, before you break their hearts

-Maybe he's right I can't feel for both of them I have to choose one maybe I am dumb chasing after Mayura and blind for Nathalie's affections-


Well thank you for your time Christian

Anytime.. I'll always be here to help

-I drove back to my house and got home safely and saw Adrien coming down the stairs-

Oh hey Dad


Where have you been?

Went to meet someone and talked about something

Ohh okay umm dinner's ready wanna join me dad?

Of course

So how was school  Adrien?

Its good as usual no crimes or fights happened and btw... Where's Nathalie? I haven't seen her earlier

Well she fainted earlier while working so I dismissed her early

Adrien choked.. Is she okay?

Yes she's fine

Okay I'm worried for her dad

Me too don't worry she'll be fine when she returns after 2 days

2 days?!

Yes she deserves a break from all work and stress you have to understand Adrien

Of course father

-After they finished dinner Adrien said Goodnight to his father and went to his room Gabriel did the same-

to be continued......

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IG: @shadownath
Twitter: @imagrestejunior
Tumblr: @trillmissbella

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