Chapter 23: The Third Coming in Korea - part 2

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August 7, 2017, 3 o'clock, GMT-4, New York time zone, New York, USA. Equivalent to August 7, 2017, 16 o'clock, GMT+9, Korea time zone, Seoul, South Korea.

Yoo Shi Jin and his comrade-turned-enemy fought each other in a knife duel at an underground car park in a shopping mall.

"You will not be able to win so easily." Gudeogi Gam-yeom said.

Captain Yoo and Gudeogi clashed their knives against each other, and Gudeogi made a sneaky move in which he stabbed Yoo's leg from behind. Gudeogi made another move in which he hit Yoo at the injured leg with a kick to knock him down, and pinned him onto the ground. The two began wrestling with each other with their knives still inside their hands, and Yoo Shi Jin managed to break free from Gudeogi's strangling attack with a kick into the stomach, before he stabbed him into the right shoulder, right at the arm holding the knife. As Gudeogi dropped the knife, Yoo Shi Jin punched him into the chin and kicked him into the chest with a roundhouse kick. The kick sent the traitor flying at the defeated Iscariogre lying nearby. He was dead at the moment, with the corrupted Judas Coin lying inside his hand. A desperate Gudeogi reached the Coin and grabbed it firmly before standing up with an insane laughter.

"You can't defeat me. See what I've got." Gudeogi laughed hysterically.

As Yoo Shi Jin watched with fright and astonishment, Gudeogi Gam-yeom, who was his former traitorous comrade and current enemy, desperately took the corrupted Judas Coin from his pocket and painfully inserted it into the wound on his shoulder. Once the Coin had disappeared among the layers of flesh inside his wound, Gudeogi sighed with relief.

"What are you doing?" Yoo Shi Jin asked in broken gasps as he was sweating all over his body.

"I can feel power surging inside me, Captain Yoo Shi Jin. You never understand the next step of my evolution into a transcendent being..." Gudeogi Gam-yeom said as he looked at his former comrade with his eyes, which were now blackened.

The traitorous soldier transformed into a horrific beast in a gruesome way under the effects of the dark powers of the Judas Coin. His skin became covered with bulbous tumors and blisters, and clusters of small bloody holes began to cover every patch of skin on his body, even his face. His jaw contorted and a huge gaping mouth with rows of sharp teeth and a noxious breath was formed. A cluster of bleeding holes began to appear on his forehead, forming the shape of the number 666. Maggots crawled out from his body through the holes on his body, and patches of dead grey skin appeared on the same places the maggots had devoured his human skin. His right eye was covered by a massive cluster of maggots; making it look bigger than usual (this didn't hamper his vision, however), while his left eye turned red. His right arm mutated into a long set of claws and was covered with maggots, and his left arm remained unchanged. A huge tumor with a cluster of holes on it erupted from his back, and it contained a hive of maggots that acted like his second brain, as most of his original brain was eaten away and replaced with a mass of maggots, though he still maintained his intelligence and memories. A huge yellow pustule erupted from his right shoulder, from which he sprayed globs of green toxic bile, and the pustule was connected with the back tumor. He wore what was left of his former military uniform, since the maggots had eaten away his shirt and his legs were wearing the shoes and pants. But his feet could no longer walk straight like those of normal people, and instead he limped slowly in a hunchback manner like a walking corpse reanimated by some dark magic. Because of the tumor on his back, he could almost never run very fast, but he could shoot bile and maggots with great accuracy. His throat was eaten away by maggots, and now he could only make painful groans and feral roars. The maggot-like creatures from the body of the monster could eat through every substance upon contact, including human flesh, so close-ranged attacks was not recommended to face him. One worse thing was that fire could not even burn either the body of the host monster's body or its maggot parasites, but if it did, the host body felt no pain.

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