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When the Sheik finally emerged from his hotel room a week later, he was followed, one step behind and to his right, by a man in a fleek suit with a gold chain and a large diamond earring, who he occasionally leaned back to whisper a quiet direction to. The man in the suit had his phone in his hand and a Bluetooth earbud in his ear and made things happen ahead of the Sheik's arrival. None of the other bodyguards or servants spoke directly to the Sheik. They received their orders through his servant.

This was always supposed to be Naseer's job, but the Sheik made allowances for his timidity and lack of training given his surprise ascension to the roll from mere valet when their transition and reciprocal connection made it necessary for him to always be close by. The confidence he'd gained since the Sheik placed his earring in Naseer's ear and the intimate instruction he'd received in their private time brought him up to snuff quickly.

When their entourage arrived at GenLife, Daryl's assistant, Robin, was at the curb to escort them through security to his office.

"Welcome back," Daryl greeted them. "Have you reconsidered cooperating?"

"We will go from here to the police department to give our statement. Naseer has already sent over what evidence we have. I believe I have just gone through what you call 'heat,' and we have made peace with the change in our bodies. But seeing how much strife this caused in my household, I believe it will shake up the entire world. The world will need help. I wish to cooperate and invest," the Sheik said.

"Thank you," Daryl replied. "I agree with your assessment. The world will need help. Right now, you probably need help, too."

The Sheik looked puzzled.

"Without using birth control, one hundred percent of mated pairs have conceived during their first heat together after completing transition." Daryl explained. "Dr. Rodgers is working on safe male pregnancies and deliveries. You can make an appointment to see him after you finish with the police. Please don't try to go it alone anymore. We don't want to see you, or your baby, hurt. We don't know much in that department, but we're learning together here and that gives us the best chances for success."

Slightly behind and beside the Sheik, Naseer's smile kept breaking through his stoic business face. The Sheik did not turn to look at him. He knew.

They made their statement to the police, visited Dr. Rodgers to confirm their pregnancy, and planned for the Sheik's personal physician to come to the United States to meet with Dr. Rodgers and prepare for the Sheik's and the other inevitable male pregnancies that would result from his rash decision to bring the ABO disease to himself and his harem. The turmoil was just beginning in his tiny country as it escaped his household, and he needed to return quickly.

With the externally improved Naseer as his alpha, still happy to serve him in every way, the Sheik found the prospect of being an omega less onerous. In fact, as he considered how it would appear to his people for their Sheik to give birth to his own was miraculous.

There was no remaining reason for intrigue in his household with manipulative wives and concubines trying to push forward their offspring. A ruthlessly clear chain of succession would appear. He could dismiss all the women. Naseer would make sure to place them in appropriate situations in the capital city as many came to him with strategic alliances, but they'd be out of his immediate household. He didn't need them.

"We should settle them with reciprocal mates if we can," Naseer insisted. "We want them happy, so they don't make trouble." He could afford to be generous with the harem now that they were on their way out.

"Indeed," the Sheik replied. "Happiness has never been a priority before. Why is that?" They were flying home over the Atlantic in his private jet as they made plans together and considered the future of their country.

"Life is not easy for the people. But they have a good leader, so they are not unhappy," Naseer replied. After a moment he added, "do you remember why I came to your house?"

Racking his brain, the Sheik came up blank and shook his head 'no.'

"My parents were killed by a car bomb, along with several other people," Naseer began. "It was a terrorist attack, and the nation was shaken. They held one large funeral for the victims so all the people could mourn, and your father brought you. You must have been fourteen. I was ten. The families of the deceased were in the front row. The other children all had extended family with them to take care of them, but I was alone. I saw you point to me and say something to your father. The next day, I was called to the palace.

"They trained me to serve in the Sheik's the household and encouraged me to complete my regular schooling. My family was already poor. I would have been destitute in the streets if your father had not taken me in, begging for food instead of going to school. I wonder if he would have thought to do it if you had not pointed to me.

"I always watched over you, for opportunities to serve you. When you came back from college, I was ready to be your valet. Then, your father died. There were those in the household who didn't want to see you succeed, so you called for any who would be your bondservants, any who would prove their loyalty. Only your personal bondservants would serve you close by. The others, your fathers' servants, you reassigned further away or retired.

"I agreed at once. I never had a thought otherwise. You saved my life, so it belonged to you. You are a good leader. What you did for me, you have done for others. You are vain and self-centered, but not blind, ignorant, stingy, or mean. You will set a good example for our country and will see us through this change. And we will be done with it while the rest of the world is still grappling." Naseer shrugged one shoulder as he finished as though all this was obvious and not the pep talk the Sheik desperately needed.

The Sheik leaned over and kissed his mate. "What's my schedule like on arrival?" He asked, leaning back again. Naseer reverted to personal secretary in an instant and rattled off the Sheik's schedule from memory. This gave the Sheik a moment to calm his pounding heart and stop the tears threatening to fall. He felt like the ABO disease gave him a precious gift, uncovering the treasure that had patiently followed behind him all these years.

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