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"But-" Maia, still looking at Alec and Magnus, broke off and rasied her eyebrows. Simon turned to see what she was looking at - and stared.

Alec had his arms around Magnus and was kissing him full on the mouth. Magnus, who appeared to be in a state of shock, stood frozen. Several groups of people - Shadowhunters and Downworlders alike - were staring and whispering. Glancing to the side, Simon saw the Lightwoods, their eyes widen, gaping at the display. Maryse had her hand over her mouth.

Maia looked perplexed. "Wait a second," she said. "Do we all have to do that, too?"

-City of Glass

Happy Pride Month!  I'm nine days off but all the same happy pride!

Quotes Part 3Where stories live. Discover now