A New Quest

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Somewhere down the river the hats of both Applejack and Sam floated down the stream until Applejack picked hers up and put it back on, and Sam did the same with his own hat. The heroes survived the waterfall, but were recuperating and drying off.

"Everyone ok?" Frodo asked.

"I think my bottom's on backward." Rarity panted.

"I can't even feel my bottom." Pippin groaned.

Merry kicked him in the butt, "How about now?"

"Much better." Pippin smiled.

"You OK, Master?" Sam asked Frodo.

"Yeah, I'm fine."Frodo answered.

"We just got our cupcakes handed to us by the worst party crasher ever!" Pinkie complained.

"No kidding." Pippin agreed.

"We got to go back there and fight!" Rainbows aid eagerly.

"Too dangerous, Rainbow." Merry replied.

"Yeah, you saw the size of those goons." Spike reminded them.

"Going back now? We have a army of Orcs, Nazguls and the dark lord Sauron now, and they will do anything to get me, us and the ring!" Frodo added.

"But we can't hide here forever, Frodo." Pippin noted.

"And let's be honest, we can't go back." Applejack said.

"A.J's right," Merry agreed, "You saw what happened to Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. Cures you, Cures you Tempest! I will avenge my friends!"

"We go back now and we're only going to get the same fate and we die." Pippin put in.

"Our best chance for now is to keep them from Twilight and me," Frodo said, before noticing Twilight looking down at the river dismally, "Twilight?" they all looked concerned.

"The Queen." she said.

"Yeah, the Queen!" Pinkie beamed, before asking, "Uh, what Queen?"

Twilight looked up seeing Canterlot still surrounded by smoke clouds and airships, "Celestia told Luna to find the Queen of the... "Hippos". Luna can't, so I have to."

"Hippos? Are you serious?" Merry asked in confusion.

"You don't think maybe she was cut off with her order?" Frodo asked.

"What good can hippos do in a situation like this?" Spike asked.

"I've heard they're surprisingly graceful for their size. Huh, but they're always hungry." Pinkie explained.

"Hungry?" Pippin began.

"Hippos?" Sam asked, as everyone else looked at each other awkwardly.

"Any idea where to even find them?" Frodo wondered.

Twilight explained, "They're somewhere south, past the Badlands."

Fluttershy suddenly dawned her worried face, "That means we'll have to... leave Equestria. Oh!"

"I'm not even packed!" Rarity cried.

"Seriously, that's your big issue? You know that we hobbits are packed, right?" Sam asked rhetorically.

"We have to do something fast, I got a feeling that Tempest and the rest of those's guards, Nazguls and Orcs will find us! What if all of us get killed, or what if we get turn into stone as well, like Tempest did to the princesses!" Pippin said in fear.

"Oh, I hate you Tempest!" Merry said in anger.

"I understand you're scared, and nopony, and nobody else has to go. But I have to find this queen. She might be our only hope." Twilight started walking off, as the group smiled knowing what to do.

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