Chapter Three

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"I should head to Sokka's workshop next," Katara thought closing the door to her apartment after dropping off her groceries. She took out her phone and sent a text.
Hey, are you on a break soon?
Idk? Maybe in like ten minutes.
I'm just gonna stop by in 15 minutes.
"He is the worst over text." Katara shrugged and grabbed her headphones hoping to maybe pick up some bubble tea after visiting Sokka. What she couldn't shrug off was the feeling she got in the Grocery Store, the way that stranger looked at her and how she was called... beautiful.
The fastest way to Sokka's workshop was going through the park. It was a scenic route as well with tall oak trees surrounding the path and providing shade. The real sight however, was the breathtaking pond located in the in the center of the land. The crystal clear water shimmered at the bright sunlight, which was just able to make it in between the trees. Katara liked to come here to clear her head, a place where tests, essays, her professor or anyone in the world could bother her.
'I don't have time,' Katara thought, frowning. 'Perhaps I can come back tomorrow.' It was hard to pin point exactly it was that brought Katara to the pond so freely but she seemed to be able to breathe around there.
At the end of the path, just before the exit was a giant stone pillar. It sat about 20 feet tall and 30 feet wide, Katara said that if Toph ever visited this would be the place for her. For being blind, Toph was reckless with herself. When Katara was still in high school Toph would climb up the side of her house to sneak through the window to hang out. The first time it happened was anything but boring.

It was a dark day, rain poured down and there were predictions of a possible flood. Katara had always enjoyed the rain, maybe it was the sound, how peaceful the house was. Rain was so relaxing to her, she usually liked to listen to those recordings of rain on her phone when she couldn't sleep. 

The last thing Katara expected during a flooding storm, was a knock on her 2nd floor window. Katara peered through, thinking it was probably just a branch that fell from the wind. However there Toph was, looking in the general area of the window. Katara was fascinated, Toph was known for her incredible climbing and attention skills but during a windy storm? Her daydream was interrupted by the girl, still sitting on the ledge that made for a makeshift roof. "Well," Her voice was a muffle through the glass, "Are you gonna let me in? You haven't moved for like three minutes. Katara snapped back into reality and quickly opened the window. 

"Of course, I'm so sorry!" She said, pulling Toph through the window and onto a extra towel that was on the floor. She simply sat on the floor, completely soaked by the rain. Katara was unsure on what to do, sure her and Toph were friends but she never climbed through her window through a storm. Almost by instinct Katara began looking around her room for some clothes.

"Toph are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine just a bit soaked."

"Here I have some-"

Toph put her hand out in a stopping gesture, "I brought a bag."

"So, are you gonna tell me what's up? Or is crawling through my window during a storm particularly normal?"

"You're acting like that's the craziest think you've ever seen. Don't you live with Sokka?" 

"True," Katara sighed, "Still it's no good that you're on the floor soaking wet. I can help take you to the bathroom, but in return you gotta tell me what's up."

Katara couldn't tell if Toph grunted or just huffed in response but she quickly came to her feet and followed her to the bathroom entrance.  

Toph returned in an old t-shirt, some pajama shorts and her short wet hair in a makeshift ponytail. Katara sat on her bed, making a space for Toph to sit. Toph sighed knowing that she was gonna have to explain why she was there. 

"Alright," Katara began, "Are you gonna tell me why you were at my window?"

"Just, a lot of stuff has been happening."

"I have to think about how to approach this," Katara thought, "Toph isn't the most open person in the world."

"Was-Well, is it your parents." 

Toph's head was lowered, a small nod in response.

"Ever since I kind of went clean about not being their perfect, straight A, princess, they've been arguing with each other."

If Katara wasn't so deep in thought on how to respond she would have even seen Toph almost tear up, just almost. Instead, she did the first thing she could think of and wrapped her arms around Toph in an embrace. 

"You don't need to be perfect, trust me on that one."

Those words seemed to make Toph stunned, just for that moment someone said the words she needed to hear. Toph slowly returned the hug and muffled in Katara's shoulder responded with, "I really needed that tonight."

Slowly but surely after that situation, Toph began to show up more frequently. Katara never could figure out how she could manage to climb that high. That didn't matter, what did was seeing the person she thought of as family more often. To be able to see someone she considered her sister. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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