Chapter 13: Spin The Bottle

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Y/N's POV:

"Happy Wednesday!" Courtney yells to me from her car, "Get in loser we're going Smoshing."

I laugh, "Please, don't ever say that again. Thanks for picking me up."

Courtney smiles and starts driving us to work, "No problem, you're on my route so I might as well."

"Are we filming anything today?" I ask.

"I think we're just doing something for Smosh Pit, no main channel stuff." She replies.

We pull into the parking lot and head into work. I'm immediately greeted by Monica asking how I feel about make-out scenes.

"I mean, I don't really have a problem with it, it's just acting." I laugh nervously.

"Great, thanks." Monica smiles and walks away.

"Don't worry about that, she just has to ask." Courtney laughs and we head into the filming area. Noah and Keith are tossing a large bottle back and forth. Shayne is on his phone and looks up when Courtney and I walk in.

"Hey girls, is Olivia with you?" Shayne asks, "We kinda need her to actually start filming."

"Mmm nope. I don't see her." I reply.

"She always does this. She better be getting us coffee." Ian says.

I look around the room and notice Matt Raub almost drop a camera and then Ryan Todd hits him. I laugh and sit next to Shayne on the coach.

"I don't want to ask but what are we filming?" I ask.

"A party favourite, spin the bottle." Shayne replies.

"Oh gosh... Oh, that explains the big bottle." I say pointing to Noah and Keith.

Shayne laughs and then Olivia bursts into the room.

"Sorry I'm late. I realized I was late and then I figured since I'm already late I should be later but with donuts. So I got a box of donuts." Olivia says holding up a box. We all rush over to her and each grab a donut.

"Thanks bb!" Courtney and I say in unison.

"Okayyy, now that we have everyone here, and donuts, let's start filming!" Matt Raub says.

Noah does the intro, "Hello you beautiful people! We are back with another spin the bottle video as requested by you guys. Today we have myself, Keith, Olivia, Courtney, Shayne, and the newbie! You may recognize her from one of our recent sketches and Smosh Summer Games, it's Y/N!"

Everyone starts cheering and I slump back in my seat, smiling awkwardly which makes Keith laugh. Shayne starts screaming and pulls me back up.

"Okay, so now that that has happened. Why don't we let Y/N do the honor of spinning first?" Noah suggests and everyone nods. I spin the bottle and it lands on Keith.

I read off my piece of paper, "Link arms until your next turn! Alright, Keith give me your arm." I say. I lean over top of Shayne to link arms with Keith who's sitting on the other side of Shayne.

"Wow, I love being apart of this." Shayne says and looks right into the camera. I laugh and pat his cheek.

Courtney spins next and it lands on Olivia, "Lady and the tramp a pickle. Somebody get me a freaking pickle!" Sarah comes on and hands Courtney a pickle. Courtney puts it in her mouth and takes Olivia's hands. Olivia does the same and they work their way up the pickle until their lips touch, laughing practically the whole time.

Then it's Olivia's turn and it lands on Keith.

"Oh frick, I have to do whatever this is while still being attached to Y/N." Keith laughs.

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