Chapter 2

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I looked at the first ship I was assigned to help repair. It was a destroyer, one from Sakura Empire. Ayanami if I was correct.

So within the hour my station was all set up. I got my forge, anvil, cooling water, some oil, everything.

I would also be given all the metals I needed to help repair it.

So now I was forging steel plates, for holes made in the hull. They were large, but manageable.


The sound each hit of my hammer made was loud, yet was soft at the same time.

After finishing shaping the piece I had, i took my tongs and grabbed it, then dunked it in water to cool the glowing metal.

After a minute I pulled out the plate, looking it over. Then I set it to the side, along with a bunch of other plates I had finished already.

I then picked up another before sticking it into the forge.

Then someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around, seeing 3 girls. One of them had long platinum blonde/white hair, robotic animal ears and orange eyes. The second girl had short, purple hair and greenish blue eyes. The 3rd girl had long white hair in twin tails, robotic bunny ears and reddish eyes. And she looked exhausted.

Bunny: what are you doing?

Y/n: forging. Please back out of the small area, you don't want to get burned

Purple: but you're in the area

I grabbed my tongs, pulling out the plate in the forge. It was glowing red hot.

Y/n: no really. Move, I need to get behind you

They then moved and I put the plate down on the anvil.

I lowered my tongs, wiped the sweat from my brow and picked up a flatter.

Then I gripped the metal with the tongs and started to flatten out the metal plate.

White: is this your job?

I nodded as I kept hitting it.

Y/n: I was hired to help with repairs from sirens. Currently I'm making plates so others can cover the holes-

I stopped, pointing to the ship Ayanami.

Y/n: in her

Purple: cool!

Blonde: so you're fixing my ship?

I looked at her.

Y/n: so you're the ship girl Ayanami?

She nodded.

Y/n: then yes I am. And you two?

Purple: I'm Javelin and this-

She looked at Bunny.

Javelin: is Laffey

I nodded before I continued my work.

Javelin: do you work all day?

Y/n: yep

Laffey: don't you get sleepy?

Y/n: I've worked as a blacksmith since I was 16. I'm 21 now so I'm use to the it

Ayanami: but won't you need rest

I stopped flattening the plate, picking it up and cooling it off in water.

Y/n: of course, everyone gets tired. I just don't get tired easily

After asking me more questions they eventually left.

As for me, I kept working until sundown. When that happened, I put out the forge, put my tools away and walked into the actual base.

I had my backpack with just clothes now, but some people still looked at me strangely.

Then I heard my stomach grumble.

Guess going to the room is next.

Time skip

I piled whatever food they had onto a tray before walking away and sitting at an empty table.

Now looking at my tray, I had put a literal mountain of food on it.

But it didn't care, since within seconds I started to scarf it down.

???: Master, are you really that hungry?

I looked up, seeing a white haired women dressed as a maid.

But I did not. A side effect of having forgetting to grab lunch earlier.

She sighed, seeming somewhat frustrated. I have no clue why.

???: I assume you're confused, but I'm Belfast. I am assigned to be your maid

I swallowed the food I had in my mouth, looking at her confused.

Y/n: is there a catch?

Belfast: no Master. I would like to know why you ask that

Y/n: well first, please just call me Y/n or Blacksmith. And the reason I asked was because I've learned is something sounds to good to be true, it's either not or there's a catch

Belfast: and did you skip lunch?

Y/n: well, forgot about it. Wasn't till like 3 or 4 did I remember and by then, well it was over

Belfast: then I guess I'll have to help you remember

I nodded.

Time skip

I opened my eyes, seeing the time.


I then got out of bed, listening.

Didn't hear a sound.

So I got dressed, threw my blacksmith gear on before running outside.

I went to my station, turning the forge on.

I then picked up sheet of metal and proceeded to get to work.


The Blacksmith: Azur lane x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now