Years Later

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Trevor's story had started years before his freshman year in college, which he was trying to get used you.  Back at home, Trevor used to stay up with his mother and father watching ghost shows.  The family was consumed with the shows in the 2000s.  Most every family was obsessed with watching these cable shows, which lost popularity sometime before the pandemic and the new internet networks that came about on 5G. By 2030, ghosts and ghosts shows were considered like Big Foot, a concept, but never something to take seriously. 

When Trevor was dropped off at his dorm room for his freshman year in college, he had this weird feeling like he had been there before.  It was deja-vu. With all the pressures of college and the intensity of the schedule, Trevor felt he was both exhilarated and scared.  It was a normal feeling.  That first night in college while he was going to sleep, with his mind racing; that's when he started to think of his grandfather. His grandfather had died long before he was born, and he had never had a real interaction with his grandfather in his life.  His grandfather Lionel had been a bit of a mystery.  He had only heard tales of him, fighting in the war, travelling west from his life in New York City to start over in California.  But to Trevor, his conversation was simply a manifestation of his mind.  When he woke in the morning, he could hardly remember that crazy dream of a train going west, and the feeling and sound of the bouncing train.  He felt because he really never knew his grandfather, that he was just inventing this person as a way to deal with the first day of class.  But there was a trace of his grandfather inside of his brain somewhere.  Trevor just had a feeling about it.

One word stuck in Trevor's mind.  That was "Cave".  It was like his grandfather Lionel had whispered this word in his brain.  What cave?  Where was there a cave?  These are questions that seem to appear to Trevor suddenly.  The questions needed to be answered.  But then again it was only a dream.  Trevor had an idea.  He decided to go to the library and start researching dreams.  What are dreams?  Are they real?  He had decided already that they were just your mind creating circumstances that work on the unconscious thoughts, trying to solve the problems of the conscious mind.  Was it that simple? Trevor began to research what dreams mean and why people have them.  That was Trevor's entry point into Psychology and the Brain.  He would start studying these subjects and never end that study in his lifetime.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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