Merry Christmas

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“Where are Mayu and Morishige..?” Yoshiki pondered.


“Dancing together, Kishinuma!” Seiko declared with a cheerful voice. “But if you'll excuse me, I really have to use the ladies room, if you understand what I mean.” A chuckle left her lips before she made her way to the bathroom.


“Satoshi, want to dance as well?” Naomi asked with a smile forming on her lips.

“S-Sure.” Satoshi replied as they made their way to the dance floor, leaving the two standing alone in an awkward atmosphere


After a while of standing next to each other in a slightly uncomfortable silence, Ayumi spoke up.

“You know, you don't look too bad in a suit...”


Yoshiki's eyes widened in surprise as he glanced over to Ayumi, who got a red shade covering her face and was looking at the ground.

“And you look stunning, Shinozaki.”


Ayumi felt her face heat up more and she put her hands on her cheek's.

“Thank you, Kishinuma-kun.” She whispered with a smile growing on her face.


The light's in the gymnasium dimmed and another song started playing.


“Oh, I love this song!” Ayumi blurted out and she clapped her hands together in excitement.

“Hey... Want to go for a dance as well..?” Yoshiki asked carefully.


Ayumi stared at Yoshiki blankly for a few seconds.

“I-I mean, if you don't want to..-”

“I'd love to, Kishinuma-kun.” She cut him off, with a smile, and grabbed his hand, guiding him to the dance floor.


“You lead...” Ayumi muttered and casted her eyes the other side.


Yoshiki's face heat up and he wrapped his arm's around Ayumi's waist, and she put her hands around his neck, which after Yoshiki started moving, guiding her across the dance floor.


After a while Ayumi rested her head on Yoshiki's chest and started softly humming along to the music, moving along with the slow paced rhythm of the music.


When the music stopped playing and the lights in the room went on, Ayumi lifted up her head from his chest, blushing.


“S-Sorry, I got a little comfortable.” She whispered, gazing up to Yoshiki's gray eyes.

“You don't have to apologize, Shinozaki.” Yoshiki replied, brushing a loose tuck that fell out of her ponytail behind her ear.

A small smile formed on Ayumi's lips and she moved closer to Yoshiki, putting her head on his chest again.

“Thanks for tonight, I had a lot of fun.”


Yoshiki smiled and placed his hand on her head, softly patting it.

“Hey...” Ayumi said in a hushed tone. “Do you realize where we're standing right now..?”


Yoshiki let his eyes scan the area where they were standing, and he didn't got further than 'in the gymnasium' until he glanced up and saw that they were standing under the Mistletoe again.


“She isn't implying what I think she is, is she?” Yoshiki thought and a vague red shade started covering his cheeks.


“Y-You know you don't have to kiss me if you don't-”

Yoshiki got tugged down at his tie and was cut off mid sentence by a direct contact on his lips.


Ayumi was pulling Yoshiki down while pressing her lips against his, making her whole face heat up.


Yoshiki was taken aback by the tiny girl's impulsive action but caught up to what was happening soon after and pulled Ayumi closer, starting to move his lips in sync with hers.


Ayumi shivered a little bit and Yoshiki put his hand on Ayumi's cheek, trailing over her skin with his fingers.


After a while, Ayumi slowly broke away from the kiss and shyly looked up at Yoshiki.


Ayumi smiled and grabbed Yoshiki's hands.


“Thank you so much for tonight, Kishinuma-kun, I had a lot of fun.” She said and wrapped her arms around his waist again, putting her head back on his chest.


Yoshiki tugged the plucks of hair that loosened during the kiss back and smiled at her.


“Merry Christmas, Ayumi.” He said in a soothing voice, as he placed his hand on her head again.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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