Chapter Five; Evolution

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Jake and I backed away from the undead creature stood before us as it snarled menacingly. The red-eye began jerking around violently, its bones cracking as it moved. It stopped in a doubled over position and with a loud crack of its bones, it straightened up once again with a growl-like moan and began sprinting toward us. I reached behind my back and pulled out both of my mini-Uzis, opening fire immediately, hitting it in the head as it ran toward us. It dropped dead a couple of feet away from me.

"Are there any more of them?" I asked, looking around quickly, keeping my guns raised.

"I don't think so..." Jake said, looking around nervously as I lowered my guns.

"Looks like most of the community escaped. I hope they're okay" I said breathlessly, "But what I want to know is what the hell this thing is" I commented on the red-eye that lay dead on the floor. I heard movement in one of the buildings and found myself raising my guns once again. I looked at the bar, seeing the person moving through the window. I rushed over and kicked the door through into the building. I raised my guns and found another guy cowering before the barrels of my weapons.

"DON'T SHOOT ME, PLEASE!" the familiar voice called out. I lowered my guns and found a face I never thought I'd see.

"Hello, Tim" I sighed, holstering the min-Uzis. He ran his fingers through his light brown hair as I looked into his bright blue eyes.

"Nice to see you again, Mason..." Tim panted, as if he'd just suffered a heart attack. He sat down on a chair and leaned on a table.

"Did you let these things in here?" I growled, putting my right hand on the pistol in the holster.

"No, I swear to god... I was running from them!" Tim said, attempting to convince me. I nodded, not really convinced, but trying to gain his trust. Suddenly, he hopped to his feet, pulling out a pistol. I ducked just as he pulled the trigger and heard something drop behind me just as I straightened up. I turned around and found a corpse dead on the floor. I turned back to Tim with a scowl,

"If you're going to stay with me, then don't do that again" I snarled. HE giggled nervously and put the gun back in his belt. Suddenly, I heard gunfire coming from outside. Tim and I rushed out, finding Jake on his knees in front of a woman who held a gun to the back of his head.

"hello, gentlemen" The woman grinned, cocking the gun as I took a step forward.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, resting my right hand on the holster on my belt.

"That's not important. What's important is your identity" She continued to grin as she looked me dead in the eye.

"I'm Mason Cole. Your turn" I stated. She took the gun from the back of Jake's head and put it in a holster as she shrugged.

"Violet Wormwood. Most people call me Vi" She said, helping Jake back to his feet. "I am sort of like your sister" she said, walking with Jake towards me. I got a good look at her. She had black hair, thin black eyebrows, deep green eyes, a thin short plump nose, and full lips.

"I doubt that" I said, moving my hand from my holster.

"Well we came from the same sort of place" Vi stated smugly.

"What do you..." I began but stopped with the realisation that she may have actually been hinting towards something impossible.

"Penny in the air..." Vi commented on my perplexed facial expression.

"You're from Project Gemini" I said as Vi clapped with a giggle.

"And the penny drops. God, for someone who's hyper-intelligent, that took you a while" Vi antagonised me.

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