Diagon Alley and the dungeons

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I was eating when I recognized the two boys in the flying car.


We stood for what seemed like a lifetime at the back of flourish and blots. "Why, again, are we standing here?" I ask for a third time.

Only glares meet my question. Suddenly, Draco rushes down the stairs to meet a black haired boy and six others.

Slowly, I follow his father down the wooden stair case. Halfway down I stop. Before me is a scene most confusing.

"Potter." Draco spat at the boy with black hair. "Can't even go to a book shop without making the front page."

Draco's face contorted into one of hatred and jealousy. Immediately I thought of that muggle saying. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Maybe I should meet this "Potter".

~end of flashback~

The two boys were Potter and the red head next to him. Hermione was on Potter's other side at Diagon Alley.

As soon as Professor Dumbledore finished his speech all first years were shown around the castle. I followed along, although I could find my way around.

The place was old, with aged bricks lining the halls. Our prefect showed us the moving staircases, then led us down. It got cold as we entered the dungeons; the home of us Slytherinn's.

I sat on the dark green couch. I was so tired that I almost didn't make it to bed that night.

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