skincare ┊ summer edition

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The last time I spoke about skincare the list was very long as I had very bad skin issues at the time and thought it would be helpful. I am now here to show my new (and shorter) skincare routine!

The Basics

To start of any skincare routine you need cleansers! Whether your routine is three steps long or ten steps long everyone should use them. I highly suggest double cleansing (especially if you wear makeup or have acne prone skin!). For oily/acne prone skin I suggest the acne cream and foam cleansers from Aveeno, I personally use these two and my skin looks and feels great! For normal/dry skin I suggest any Cetaphil cleanser (find which one works for your skin best!)


Toners help even put skin tone. I personally don't use toners anymore as my skin is very sensitive and it was causing break outs but just because it doesn't help me doesn't mean it won't help you! I don't have any suggestions for toners but if you can't afford one diluting some apple cider vinegar with lots of water works the same.


Physical exfoliants are not good! They can cause micro tears in your skin which makes your skin become textured over time. It is still important to remove dead skin so you should use a chemical exfoliater! A good one is the chemical peel by The Ordinary.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps promote elasticity! This will help you look younger as your skin glows more and looks less dull. You can use whatever Vitamin E oil you find as long as it's safe for your face. I suggest massaging it in a upwards motion so you won't look as though your face is drooping or "sagging".


EVERYONE MUST MOISTURIZE!! Even if your skin is super SUPER oily it is still important to moisturize! When it comes to using moisturizers its important to find one that works with your skin. The one I use personally is the oil free by Neutrogena. If your skin is dry everywhere I suggest and thicker moisturizer and if your skin is oily I suggest a light or oil free one!


This step is so so SO important! Many people don't think about sunscreen everyday unless it's the summer but sunscreen is important to wear on your face everyday. The sun can cause premature aging as well as extra sun spots (though they're cute they aren't the best to have). I never used sunscreen until this year and my skin looks so much better! Please everyone remember to wear sunscreen.


Dermaplaning is essentially shaving the peach fuzz off of your face. This can help exfoliate as well as helping any products you use after get deeper into your skin. It also makes your face look more vibrant. Despite shaving, the hair doesn't grow back thicker or darker! It typically grows back very slowly so it's good to only do it twice a month. Look at videos on YouTube to find out more!

Acne: Silastic Acid

When my acne was very bad one of the things that help is Silastic Acid. It goes under the skin to help get the dirt out from everywhere meaning that your pores will no longer be clogged that may not be reached during cleansing. This also works for blackheads as well!


Clean & Clear is one of the absolute worst brand you can use on your skin. Not only to the beads in the cleansers cause micro tearing but scented skin care only irritates the skin. It doesn't do anything except ruin your skin over time so please use something else! Another thing to stay away from is lemon. Lemon is seen as an exfoliating product but lemon itself irritates the skin and skin care products with lemon typically have citrus extract and lemon scents, these two things together create excess irritation that will cause things such as breakouts or make your skin dry and raw. Please make sure you stay away from scents no matter how cute the packaging is!

xoxo, t

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