Chapter 3: Explanations part 2

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"What happened in there Payton?" Sam asks me as we sit in the motel room that the boys booked.

"Well, after you 2 left they summoned out dead Grandmother, to try and explain to me why she abandoned me, she tried to but I wouldn't let her continue before running out, she said that when she abandoned me she didn't have a choice, I find that complete bullshit though," I say and I hear Dean laugh a little bit and Sam scold him and I look up from where unplaced my head in my hands.

"I'm just glad you're okay, I'm sorry for leaving," Dean says and I smile at him.

"Apparently Piper wants me to come back so I can go talk to mum, but I want you to come with me Dean," I say and he nods, we then get up and I put on my jacket and we walk out to baby, driving back to the manor.

"Pip--!" I go to call out as we walk up to the door but I see that it is open a bit.

"They wouldn't leave the door open, not if they want to expose the family secret," I say and Dean nods, we silently walk into the house and I hear rustling from he kitchen, and footsteps that ain't my sisters, I look at Dean and I see that he has pulled his gun out and is looking serious, he looks at me and nods, we then walk slowly to the kitchen where we see a familiar black suit and I sigh.

"Damnit Crowley!" I say as I walk in and he turns around and smirks at us and I watch Dean put his gun away, all of a sudden Leo orbs Piper and Phoebe in while Cole shimmers in behind them.

"Whoah!" Phoebe says and goes to attack but I stop her.

"Whoah Phoebe, calm down! this is Crowley, the King of Hell," I say and they all look shocked, including Cole.

"Oh what Cole? didn't you know that The Source was never the ruler of hell? he was just a front for the real king of Hell, Crowley, who is a pain in the ass," I say and pointedly glare at Crowley at the last statement and he shrugs.

"What can I say? even my mother didn't want anything to do with me," he says in his British accent and I laugh at him.

"True," I say and Dean smirks and Piper shakes her head.

"Let's go up to the attic and talk to mum," Phoebe says and I nod, grabbing Dean's hand and I lead him up the stairs to the attic, we then stand in front of the circle of candle's and my sisters stand in front of the book of shadows, they chant the spell one last time and the lights show up again, once they leave, a very beautiful brunette woman appears in front of us and gasp once she sees me.

"Let's go up to the attic and talk to mum," Phoebe says and I nod, grabbing Dean's hand and I lead him up the stairs to the attic, we then stand in front of the circle of candle's and my sisters stand in front of the book of shadows, they chant th...

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"Payton..." she says and I start to cry.

"Mum?" I ask and she nods, stepping out of the circle, becoming solid for me to be bale to hug her.

"oh my sweet dear daughter," She says and I start sobbing into her shoulder as I hold onto Dean's hand.

"Who's this?" Mum asks and I laugh and pull away from the hug and wipe away some of my tears.

"This is my partner Dean Winchester," I introduce him and she smiles.

"Oh I know, I've been watching, Your mother Mary also says hi and that she loves you boys, that she is proud of you," Mum says and I see a tear slip out his eye but he quickly wipes it away and wraps an arm around my waist as my sisters walk over to us.

"Look after each other, including the Winchesters, seeing as though the family will be adding them into the family in about 7 1/2 months," Mum says and I gasp and place a hand on my stomach in amazement, Dean looks at me in shock.

"Mum are you sure?" I ask her and she nods with a smile, I smile at her and watch as she gives us a kiss each and a hand shake to Dean and then she disappears in the bright lights.

"We're going to be parents," Dean says and turns to me, placing a hand onto of my own hand that is on my stomach and I smile at my sisters who are crying slightly, I turn to Sam who has a big smile on his face but when I look to Crowley, he was nodding to Cole who nods back, all of a sudden I whip my hand out and knock both Crowley and Cole to the ground.

"Payton!" Phoebe claims and goes to help Cole up but Piper holds her back.

"Wait... Payton must have a good reason to do that," Leo says and Piper nods, I walk slowly towards Crowley and Cole and I smirk as they stand up and try to leave but are stopped by an invisible barrier.

"I'm very smart, there are Demon traps all over this house, I showed my sisters a picture of them and they got to work, got Leo to help them, Sam helped them to make sure that the traps were correct, see I knew you were planning something Crowley, seeing as though you never visit unless it ends up with you collecting something at the end," I say and Crowley continues to smirk and I see his eyes shift to my stomach slightly.

"Your here to gather information, and you got the information that you needed to try and take us down from the inside, seeing as though Sam and Dean are future vessels for the Archangels, Michael and Lucifer, which means Lucifer would be after anyone related to the Winchesters to get into their heads, like he tried to with Castiel, now seeing as though with what we just found out... your here to deliver information to Lucifer so you can get your throne back, and that information is that we are introducing one of the most powerful people into the world in 7 1/2 months, a Supernatural hunter born with the powers of the 'most powerful' Charmed ones child, a Winchester to carry not he legacy of killing your demons," I say and I see Crowley get a glare on his face.

"Congratulations Payton, your very smart, but how would I get the information to Lucifer if I can leave this house?" Crowley says and I smirk and I hold Cole against the ground, I hear Phoebe fighting against Piper's hold.

"you were going to use a different type of Demon... not the usual ones that work for you... the type that my sisters deal with, one that can get very close to my family and still work for the source, who works for you, and he is laying right next to you, he sleeps in my little sisters bed... he says that he loves her... he asked her to marry him..." I say and I hear Phoebe stop struggling as she sees the deadly smirk on Coles face.

"Nice job Payton, but you can't stop me," Cole says and my smirk gets worse, I then use my other hand to surround him in crystals, trapping Cole next to Crowley, I then walk over to my sisters and lift Phoebes head to look at me.

"What do you want me to do Pheebs? I know you love him and I can tell he really loves you, the source has his hooks in him, I can try to get them out but he needs to stay in the crystals," I say and Phoebe shakes her head and I look at her in confusion as she walks over to Cole in tears.

"I'm so sorry baby, but what my older sisters has said... I can't forgive you for that," Phoebe says and then turns to me.

"Please Payton, do it, I can't have him around anymore, not if I'm going to be an auntie," Phoebe says and I start crying and pull here into a tight hug, pulling Piper to join us.

"Let's do this," I say and we all grab ahold of each others hands and we start to day the spell.

Piper - 'Pruedence, Penelope, Patricia, Melinda'

Phoebe - 'Astird, Helena, Laura and Grace'

Payton - 'Halliwell Witches stand strong beside us'

all 3 - 'Vanquish this evil from time and space'

"NO!" Cole screams as he explodes, Piper and I then pull Phoebe into a very tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Pheebs," I say and she continues to cry, we then fall tot he floor and I look up at Dean and Sam with tears in my eyes but then I notice that Crowley is gone.

"Sam, Dean, Crowley is gone,"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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