>4< your newsie bestie

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a/n: I'm updating again because I thought of this after I posted the first one and didn't think to write it so here I am...at 12:00AM. Just writing more preferences. Anywho this is just who your best friend would be, so enjoy! :)
btw this isn't going up the same day because I'm tired lol

Crutchy— You guys jung out a lot once you met the rest of the Manhattan newsies even before you and Jack started dated. It also helped that you're dating Jack but you and Crutchy hit it off very well and are always laughing with and at each other, but at the same time you can tell each other things that are serious.

Kid Blink— Since you guys met due to school, and were super close, it didn't take much time for Davey to introduce you to the Manhattan newsies. In fact, you knew about the job he had to take before he even had his first day. He told you if you wanted to meet them, you could come with him on his first day, so naturally you just HAD to. During the day, you met the boys and one, Blink, took a liking to you. But not romantically, it was more of a "I don't know you but I'll protect you as if I'm your brother" type of thing. You started talking and you eventually became really close friends and would do anything to protect each other. (FAKE SIBLING POWER)

Specs— You and Specs just vibe well with each other (I dislike myself for saying that but it's the only way I can explain it). You became his bunk mate so you got to talking and now you're inseparable best friends. Race sometimes gets a bit jealous but he knows you'd never do anything to hurt him and he also knows that Specs thinks of you as a sister. Basically, Race trusts you (as he should).

Jack— You and Jack have always been close, since the first day you came to the lodging house. He doesn't like to leave you alone although he knows you can handle yourself, so he finds it comforting that you're with Spot all the time. You and Jack often have long talks and laughs on the rooftop of the lodging house and have a generally comforting friendship.

kid blink:
Racetrack— Sometimes you like to watch the boys play poker. That's how you met Race. The first time you decided to sit with Blink as he was playing poker with the other guys, Race noticed that someone new had come to the table. He asked if you wanted to play, which you said no. Then he'd just continue his conversation with the newsies and also talk with you. He did this every night even if you did play because, well he's nice. After that you just became good friends.

Bumlets— You met when Mush decided to take you on a date(it would be like the 3rd or 4th date) to Tibby's. Some of the newsies thought it would be funny to snoop a bit on where Mush was going so they followed him and well...snooped. They eventually came up and although they're CREEPY, you still became good friends, especially with Bumlets.

Davey— You like to read so you became quick friends with Davey. The two of you often go over and share books you've been reading and even starting a little "club" called "The Finer Things Club" where you discuss a book you've both been reading over food.

a/n: ok so I started this at midnight and didn't finish it until 8PM the next day. I'm such a great writer...jk
Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this! Feel free to comment any suggestions!
Stay safe out there and don't get covid :)
599 words^^
(btw word count is always everything above the final a/n. I do count the top one, but not the bottom one)

newsies preferences :)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora