Life Without Him

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        Abraham Ford and I had met a little over a year ago at a bar. He came to /my/ bar and stared at me with his army buddies, the idea of it instantly making me angry. After a few of them had attempted to hit on me, I was beyond annoyed, and then Abraham came to me. I rolled my eyes as he sat beside me and went to buy me a drink. I wasn’t very nice to him that first day. Actually, I was a total, horrific bitch. I told him I wasn’t interested and he told me I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Funny how that worked out, huh? I told him to leave me alone, but he begged for a chance to go on a date with me, just one date. He walked me to my car, opening my door for me and I pretty much unwillingly agreed, not thinking anything would come of it.


        I pushed him away though. I wouldn’t let him get the chance to take part of my heart, little did I know, he would take the whole thing. After so many terrible, awful osers, I didn’t honestly feel like I could find happiness. I had devoted my younger life to law school, choosing that over relationships, and truthfully I wasn’t sure if I had regrets about it or not. Sure it was a sacrifice by me, but it was one that needed to be done to be the woman that I am today.


        But Abraham, wasn’t like everyone else. Abraham wasn’t the one to relent to a challenge. He chased me down and we did go on a date. Our first date we went to a burger joint that I loved where the waitress actually hit on him in front of me. I was surprised by my own sort of jealousy, but I was even more surprised to learn this man had an ex- wife and not one, but two children with her. Surely they were divorced two years ago, she leaving him, but for someone at twenty six, the idea of dating a man with so much baggage was horrifying. I knew my father wouldn’t approve seeing as I had never even been married before, let alone had a child. Abraham was over ten years older than me, and although I didn’t mind, I knew my father would be angry from this. I guess I should have realized from his age that surely he was married, but I think deep down I truly hoped he wasn’t. I knew at twenty six that a man with children and an ex- wife was the last thing I needed. But, even that didn’t stop me. What stopped me was one thing, his job.


        Abraham was, /is/ a Sergeant in The United States Army, and he has been part of the military since he was eighteen. This was not just a temporary situation for him however, but this was a lifestyle choice, this was his career. This upset and worried me to say the least because he was on active duty, and he had no plan of quitting. This bomb was dropped on me on our first date, and I was extremely disappointed, imagining a life of dating a man in the military. Of course I found his decision honorable, but I didn’t want to try dating someone that could leave me at any minute. Now I can see the repercussions of my decision as I blankly stared at the Christmas Ham, unable to find happiness without my boyfriend beside me.


        I had an instant connection with Abraham, but I quickly denied it, trying to pretend it wasn’t real to make things okay when I ignored his calls and texts. Abraham told me that he used to go to the bar we met and wait for me every night, but it wasn’t until around last Christmas when I saw him at the post office, shuffling packages. I assumed these were for his children. We briefly talked, and he didn’t invite me out this time, the conversation shifting awkwardly.


        At that point, I never imagined seeing Abraham again, let alone sharing a future with him, but once again I ran into him, and at one of the oddest places. I was wearing my beat up sweatpants, a t shirt, and shoes that I wore in high school, my hair pulled back into a messy ponytail as I walked into the movie theater, alone. Abraham spotted me from across the lot and tried avoiding me as I did him, but somehow we were both compelled to see each other again even though I looked /terrible/.

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