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As i woke up this morning since i new my wifey was still angry i decided to fix her all her favorite food eggs,bacon,blueberry pancakes, & french toast while i was cooking my famous breakfast i got a call saying i had to be yo work in a hour so i finished her breakfast & left a note then i quickly did my hygiene thing then put on my uniform & hopped in my car today was a slow day so all i was doing was driving around speeding tickets right know i was sitting there on my phone on the side of the rode until i saw rhus pretty red & black mustang speed by me i new that was my q so i chassed after the car turned on my sirens & waited for them to stop & i noticed it was a fine ad lady in the car

Rayan:Ma'am did you know how fast you were going?

???: No sir i'm sorry i'm just trying to make it to work i'm already 2 hours late & i'm trying not to get fired so can i et my ticket & go

Rayan: Feisty me likey but your not going anywhere without you giving me your number

???: You don't even know my name but you want my number (writes number on his arm & her name) done can i go now

Rayan: yes but call me later (blows kiss)

Hi i'm that girl who just gave that fine ass officer my number my name is Yn & i am 20 years old and i am a Detective and i can't talk now i gotta go i'm late for work bye





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