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Hammer laid down on the floor of the bouncy castle, this place is boring as fuck, especially with no friend to talk to

Well...he could talk to Wardrobe but Cigarette probably got to him first

Why has he been so unlucky lately? First Trophy tells everyone  he's a traitor, then he's eliminated, now Cigarette hates him!!

Hammer let out sort of an angry scream, he calmed down and just stared up at the sky
He's still surprised he can still breath yet Microphone managed to block of the snow or a chance to get out..

He feels the floor move, he sits up and looks behind himself, it was Wardrobe

"Uh..Hi Hammer, you seem a bit lonely, need company?" Wardrobe said, a tad akwardly

Hammer blushed a tad and nodded, he thought  Wardrobe was rather adorable

Wardrobe sat next to him, Hammer scooted closer to him, Wardrobe blushed

"So, do you wanna talk about anything?" Hammer muttered

"Well....uh-" He didn't know how to word it, he really wanted to confess his feelings but didn't know how to "how do you feel about a man loving another man?" Wardrobe asked sheepishly

"I don't mind, I'm Bi, why do you ask?" Hammer looked at the wooden box with curiosity

"Well...uh... you see..you..i.." Wardrobe was so nervous, what if Hammer got  mad or if anything bad happened, he's never confessed to anyone before


"I may or may not um...like you" he hugged his knees, Hammer blushed and then hugged him

"I...i like you too, i never told you before because i was too scared of how you would react" Hammer chuckled akwardly

"I can say the same thing"

Hammer and Wardrobe smiled and looked at each other

"Would it be okay if i.." Hammer held onto Wardrobe as if he was gonna kiss him
Wardrobe nodded and Hammer shyly and softly kissed his lips, Wardrobe kissed back, the 2 boys blushed and hekd each other

"Im scared of anyone finding out about this" Wardrobe said, rather worried

"If anyone is rude to you, let me know, I'll protect you" Hammer reassured

Wardrobe smiled and cuddled him, Hammer cuddled back

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