Chapter 8

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“We’re going to see this little coffee-thing as a date, and you are going to go on that date with Nick. Then whoever you like, you’re going to ask on another date. Alright?”

“Seems fair?” Kurt mumbles, wondering why Blaine didn’t get mad at him for agreeing on that date with Nick.

“Even if you don’t pick me, we’re still going to be best friends, right?” Blaine squeezes Kurt’s hand gently. “All I want is for you to be happy. I know that you’ve never had a boyfriend before and you told me that you can’t wait to fall in love. And you deserve all the love in the world, Kurt. So if Nick is the one who can give that to you, then that’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

“Of course we’re going to stay best friends. No matter what happens, no one and nothing can change that.” Kurt smiles and entwines his fingers with Blaine’s before he takes a sip of his coffee. They spend the next hour and a half talking about all kinds of random things; childhood memories, concerts, school, TV shows.


“Thanks for spending the day with me, Kurt,” Blaine says with his astonishing smile when he drops Kurt off at his house. “It was fabulous.”

“No thank you. It was really great.” Blaine walks Kurt to the door and wraps his arms around Kurt’s waist as the other boy wraps his arms around Blaine’s broad, strong shoulder.

“I hope we could do this again sometime.” Blaine slowly pulls away and presses a gentle peck on Kurt’s cheek. Kurt can’t help but feel a little disappointed that he didn’t kiss him on the mouth – because that short kiss they shared the other day still makes him feel dizzy when he thinks back to it. On the other hand, Kurt appreciates that Blaine is being the perfect gentleman, and he understand that he doesn’t want to push the boundaries again. “Goodnight, Kurt.”

“Goodnight Blaine,” Kurt mumbles, his cheeks turning slightly pink by the way Blaine winks at him one more time before he leaves.


“Nick there is something I have to tell you,” Kurt admits. They are hanging out at the ice cream shop together. “I don’t know how to say this without offending you, but I went out with Blaine the other day.”

“Out?” Nick repeats as he raises his eyebrows.

“Yes out. As in on a date kind of thing. He asked me on a date a couple of days ago. I’m sorry, I should’ve told you this before. I told him that you and I were also going on a date. I- I’m really sorry Nick.”

“It’s okay,” Nick mumbles. Kurt can tell that he only tries to sound cheerful, but he can see right through it. Yet he decides that it’s probably better if he doesn’t mention it. He reaches over the table to grab his hand but Nick pulls it away. “I- I mean I get it. How can I compare to him, right? I’m never going to be able to compare to him. He is always better. He always gets the guy.”

“Why do I have a feeling like this isn’t just about me,” Kurt says softly. He takes his chair and places it right next to Nick’s – rather than opposite him. “Do you want to talk about it.” He carefully takes Nick’s hand in his.

“It’s- It’s Jeff,” Nick mumbles after a moment of hesitation. His cheeks turn bright red. “I kind of had a crush on him. Before Blaine started going out with him.”

Did you have a crush on him or do you still have a crush on him?” Kurt asks straight to the point.

“I- I don’t know. I guess I kind of got over him, but every time he smiles at me I can still feel my heart skip a beat.”

“So you’re not really over him?” Kurt raises his eyebrows and gently rubs the pad of his thumb over Nick’s hand. “Because as far as I know Jeff is single, and as far as I know you’re a great guy who deserves to be happy. You are amazing, Nick. If I were you I would let Jeff know that you like him, or even drop subtle hints. Okay?” He leans forward and presses a friendly peck on Nick’s cheek. “You are the best and Jeff is a babe. You two would be adorable together.”

“Thanks Kurt.”

“Don’t worry about it. Thank you for understanding, and just thanks for everything. You’re a good friend, Nick.”


That evening, after Nick and Kurt finished their ice cream, Kurt drives to Blaine’s house. He takes a deep breath before he knocks on the door.

“Hello?” a small woman with dark hair cut in a sharp bob, opens the door.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your evening Mrs. Anderson. I’m Kurt, a friend of Blaine. I was hoping I could speak to him for a second.”

“Oh sure thing, darling.” Mrs. Anderson opens the door a bit further. “So you’re Kurt? Blaine talks about you a lot. He is upstairs in his room.”

“Thank you.” Kurt walks up the stairs. The door of Blaine’s bedroom is open en Kurt hears beautiful music coming out of it. When he walks closer he sees the Warbler sitting on his bed, playing his guitar and humming along to the tune. Kurt can’t help but smile as he watches the boy, while he leans against the door-frame, not wanting to interrupt the guitar playing boy. Ones Blaine has finished the song, Kurt claps his hands slowly. Blaine raises his eyebrows as he turns around.

“Heey,” he says surprised once his eyes settle on Kurt. The look on his eyes get softer. “Are you alright?” He places his guitar next to him on the bed and gestures for Kurt to come in. “Didn’t you have your date with Nick today? How did it go?” Blaine has a polite and sweet smile on his face.

“It was alright.” Kurt sits down on the edge of Blaine’s bed, next to him. “We got some ice cream and we talked a bit. Nick is a nice lad.” Kurt looks down to his hands.

“But?” Blaine asks softly. He takes Kurt’s hand in his. “There must be a reason why you are here right now, am I right?” Kurt tilts his hit a little and looks straight into Blaine’s hazel puppy dog eyes, that always look at him with a certain look of kindness and friendliness over them.

“Yes,” he admits and he gently places his freehand on Blaine jaw. “There is a reason why I’m here right now.” He catches a glimpse of Blaine’s smile before their lips meet into a sweet kiss.

A Drop in the Ocean // A Klaine Story [completed]Where stories live. Discover now