They All Want Fucking Snacks

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The next few days were pleasant, I practically hummed with satisfied energy.

Kakashi was coming home again and I was enjoying work with the Hokage.

Life was good.

I didn’t have to worry about my mother or Drake, or all the expectations I would never meet.

It was just me, me and Kakashi and Pukkan.

Yes, I had insisted Pakkun join us as often as possible.

Kakashi didn’t seem as excited about the prospect of having, by all intents and purposes, a pet around the house, but he relented with a frown and a heavy sigh.

Pakkun could often be seen lounging around the couch, face set in a bored scowl until I gave him attention.

Kakashi often removed Pakkun when, at least to Kakashi, Pakkun became irritating.

Kakashi refuses to explain why he found the dog annoying, even though I’ve asked him multiple times for a reason.

He would just walk in on our cuddling time, Pakkun's always happy to keep me company and he loves belly rubs, and demands the dog leave.

It annoyed me but then Kakashi would pull me away for something or another and I would forget all about the unnecessary attitude to the cute ninken.

Anyway, today I insisted Kakashi bring his little team of children over for dinner.

At first, he blanched at the idea, horrified at whatever scenario he cooked up for himself.

But eventually, I broke him down, reassuring him every worry he had, even if they were about his stupid porn collection.

I was just preparing the meal now when Kakashi walked in miserably, an air of defeat surrounding him.

The children filed in after him, staring at the place wide-eyed.

Well, Naruto was at least, he looked around like it was the most amazing apartment ever, the way visitors to the Manor looked when they walked into the grand hall.

Sakura looked briefly uncomfortable, watching the bare walls in confusion.

Sasuke only glanced around, seemingly uninterested in the space.  

“Welcome home!” I called to Kakashi and didn’t miss the way Naruto and Sasuke flinched, bringing their eyes to me like I said something long forgotten.

I was well aware of the Uchiha Massacre, Mother was furious I wouldn’t be able to marry into the clan, though I was just a girl then.

I knew about Naruto too, but only a little.

I know about who he jails, I know he lives alone, I know that Minato looks too much like him to be a coincidence, and I know the Village doesn’t treat him right.

Kakashi huffs in response and I give a light laugh at his childish attitude. 

“Dinner’s almost done. You three, help me out?”

I looked back to them and they nodded uncertainly before stumbling over.

I directed them and they followed obediently, Kakashi overseeing everything from his spot in the doorway, a soft emotion to his eye.

I smiled into the pot I was stirring in triumph.

I knew this would all work out, having these children here would help him relax.

Once done I called them over and directed them to get the food.

Watching them until they were safely seated at the table before getting my own.

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