What are you saying?

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Four days had passed since Stevie find out about Lindsey's infidelity. She didn't know if she was supposed to be surprised or not that it had been that long and he hadn't showed up at Alice's yet. Yes, she told him Stevie wasn't staying with her, but if he truly cared, he would have checked anyway. That gave another set of thoughts to Stevie to think over. He was probably with his new mistress, that was it, she was absolutely convinced.

Emily kept calling Stevie constantly, five, six or more times day, but she stopped answering, she got tired of listening to insults and the ways this woman was planning on having sex with Lindsey. She also spent the whole time locked up in the guest room of her daughter's house. She either slept or cried, eating wasn't a part of her daily routine. She knew she would eventually have to face Lindsey, to tell him they were over, but she couldn't bring herself to calling and invinting him over or going to see him in their house. 

She lay in bed, her back facing the door, the comforter pulled up to her neck. There was a soft knock on the door,. She knew it was Alice, but she didn't say she should come in nor did she tell her to leave. The door knob turned and Alice walked in. 

"Mom? Are you sleeping?" She received no audible reply, but she saw Stevie barely shake her head. She walked over to the bed and sat down. "How are you feeling?" Nothing came out again, but the lack of true color in her mother's usually loving eyes was enough of an answer. "What did he do now, mom?" A tear escaped from the corner of Stevie's eye and she let it roll down her face. "So, it was him..." Alice said matter of factly. "Please, come down and have diner with us. You haven't eaten anything in days. You're going to get yourself sick." A few minutes ticked away and Alice stood up, pressed a kiss to Stevie's hair and was on her way out of the room. "Join us, ok?" She took another long look before closing the door from the other side.

Stevie spent some time debating her decision, Alice was right, she hadn't had anything to eat in the past few days and it wasn't doing her any good, even if she didn't want to, she thought, she would come down at least for a little bit of something. 

A doorbell rang, which Stevie didn't hear as she had just walked out of the guest room. Jeremy went to open the front door, while she was making her way downstairs. Their eyes locked instantly and she froze. 

"Stevie!" She turned around and ran up the stairs and into her room again, locking the door. "Let me in."

"I don't think this is a very good idea..." Jeremy was afraid Alice would throw him out if he let Lindsey in. 

"I need to fix this, please, I must talk to Stevie."


"Go see her." Both men looked over to Alice and Jeremy let Lindsey come inside. 

"Thank you." 

"Don't thank me, make my mother better. She's in the guest room."

Lindsey knocked on the door and waited. He didn't expect to get her to talk to him, even if through a door, but he wasn't about to give up. "Stevie, let me in, I'm begging you." He began. "Hear me out, let me explain." Everything he said was met by silence. "I will sit out here until I get to see you, sooner or later you will come out, Stevie." Nothing. "I know you're mad at me and you're hurt, I understand, but let me tell you what really happened. You think I wanted to cheat on you? I was blind drunk!" That probably wouldn't help much, but... "Stevie, you know I love you, I would have never hurt you on purpose." He was leaning against the door whilst talking to her. He almost fell in to the room, when she opened the door. Lindsey fell to his knees, trying to take her hands, but she pulled away immediately. 

"You don't get to fucking touch me. I'm letting you inside, because I don't want Alice or Jeremy to hear your lies."

"Stevie, they're not lies! Honestly, I didn't want it to happen. I got so wasted, I didn't know what I was doing! I was pretty out when Sott and his wife left, then this Emily woman appeared out of nowhere and we talked and we got into a car together, she brought me home with her!"

"She brought you home with her! I'm sure she had you tied down and you had no way of escaping!"

"I wasn't myself, Steph..."

"Oh no, no. You do not get to call me that." She pointed a finger at him, walking across the room, to make as much space between them as possible. 

"You have to believe me it was all her doing."

"I don't have to believe anything, Lindsey, you don't get to tell me what to do."

"Stevie, I'm sorry! I didn't even know how it all went down, she told me, I couldn't remember I was that fucking drunk."

"Then it's your fault! You should have known better."

"She told me she didn't push me away because you kept coming back to me and she wanted to know why, Stevie, she's sick, she's completely mad!"

"It takes two to tango, Lindsey... You can tell me whatever the hell you want, you are to blame in this as much as that woman is."

"I screwed up, horribly. I know that, but I admit I fucked up and we can make it through if we both want it." 

"But I don't. You hurt me, Lindsey. I can't tell you how painful this is... How do you think I feel when she calls me and brags you kept calling her by my name while you were fucking her? She said you want a younger version of me and she's exactly that, and she's ok with being whoever you want her to be. She asked me what your favorite things in bed are and how do I suck your dick! She is fucking insane, but it doesn't change the fact you slept with her."

"There has to be a way for us to make our relationship work again. Stevie, I can't lose you. I won't lose you."

"You have already lost me, Lindsey. This was the last drop."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I'm through. It's done, it's over. You and I, we're over."

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