The journey

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It was about 7 p.m. Sam and his mum Claire had been on the road for about 4 hours now. They had been making pretty good time as well. Claire expected they would arrive at Louise's house just after 8, instead of 9 o'clock which she had previously estimated. Sam and his mum had been speaking for most of the journey. Claire had been asking him about how he felt he had done at school that year and if there was anything in particular he wanted to do over the next few weeks. About half an hour ago however, Sam had started to become quite quiet. He had been just looking out the window, watching the world go by. And now, he was beginning to fidget and squirm in his seat.

"What's wrong sweetie. You can't seem to sit still?" His mum asked.

"Can we find somewhere to stop? I really need to use the toilet." He replied.

"I told you before we left that I didn't want to make any stops honey." Claire said sweetly. "Besides, we're in the middle of no where just now. It'll be at least another 30 minutes before we come across gas station."

"But mum I really need to go."

"Well I put you in that diaper for a reason." Claire added.

Sam was shocked. Rather than stop and find a restroom, his mum actually wanted him to pee his pants like some kind of oversized baby.

"You can't be serious." Sam said, sounding astounded.

"Of course I am. That's what diapers are for baby. Is it number one or two?" Claire spoke as if she was conversing with a toddler.

"Number one." Sam replied, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"Okay, well I'm sure that diaper you're wearing will be able to cope. Plus, it won't kill you to sit in a soggy one for a while, we're only about an hour away now anyway." Sam's pleas were clearly falling upon deaf ears.

There was about another 5 minutes of silence, where Claire continued to watch Sam squirm in his seat. Desperate for his body not to give in. Eventually though, the squirming stopped, and Sam froze in place. The banks had burst. Warm pee was now gushing out of Sam and was being absorbed by his awaiting diaper. Outside of his trousers, no difference could be spotted. Underneath however, his diaper was now thicker than ever. All of Sam's pee had been caught by the padding and wicked away from his skin. And although he didn't feel wet, he could still feel the warmth from his accident.

It was an unusual feeling for Sam, one he hadn't experienced before as all his previous accidents had taken place at night when he was asleep. By the time he woke up, his warm diaper had cooled and become clammy. It was never a feeling he hated but not one he liked. At best, he felt indifferent. The feeling he had just now though. A warm, thick diaper pressing against his skin. This was actually kinda nice, he thought.

As Sam focused on the feeling of his wet padding pressing against his skin, he became more and more disassociated with the world around him. The feeling of his mother's hand reaching into his trousers and squeezing the front of his diaper, however, was enough to bring him racing back to reality.

"My my, you really did have to go didn't you." Claire cooed.

"Stop it." Sam snapped. Shoving his mum's hand away.

"Don't be snippy Sam." Claire said. "I just wanted to see if you'd been. Besides I bet you feel much better now, don't you?"

"Yes mum." Sam replied, glumly.

"See I knew you'd be fine. Good boys make peepee in there diapees instead of all over the car seat." Claire added. Speaking with a childish tone.

Sam never replied, instead just turned to look out the window once more, hiding his red face from his mum. He liked the way his diaper felt, nice and warm and snug. And he couldn't deny the fact that it had saved him from sitting in damp smelly clothes for the rest of the journey. But the one thing he wasn't liking, was the continuous babying he was receiving from his mother.

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