Tooru Oikawa Is A Genius

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June 15th, 2012

The day was upon them. The Spring InterHigh Preliminaries. 

Some games were already underway as the teams of Aoba Johsai got off the buses.

Other competitors began to stare with some of the fans gawking. 

"Wow look at them-" A few fan girls gasped

"Just amazing~" One of the girl's clasped her hands together eying the boys team

"And their girls are smokin' too!" Some of the volleyball players from Johzenji High freaked, making Leila frown. Feeling uncomfortable, she moved through the boys team to walk in line next to her boyfriend.

"Okay you guys this is it-" Coach Irihata spoke as he eyed both teams

"The girls are in Gymnasium B and our headquarters are here-" He nodded as the boys and girls turned to face each other

Tooru, Iwa, Leila and Mei all locked eyes. 

"Good Luck!" Mei toothily smiled as Iwa and Tooru grinned making the rest of the boys team blush

"We got this Mei Mei, now you girls go get us a win!" The cocoa haired brunette smiled throwing up a peace sign making all the female first years swoon

"Will do Tooru." She nodded as the rest of the first years followed her in pursuit to the gymnasium leaving one specific blonde...

Leila and Tooru shared a longing glance, their eyes telling a million words without anything being said.

After a few moments, she smiled turning on her heel towards the gym leaving Oikawa gawking at her exit.

Her long blonde hair tied in her signature high ponytail swished in the light breeze. The sun was fully shining as it looked like (well in his eyes at least) she was glowing. No, she wasn't just glowing... she was beamingly glorifying to look at. 




Tooru couldn't find the right word.

"Come on Shittykawa, stop gawking like in idiot-" Iwazumi

"T-There's nothing wrong with it!!" The setter cheekily pouted


Sendai Gymnasium

"Come on, I want to take a good look at them. I want to see those Karasuno first years do that quick attack of theirs-" Coach Irihata began as the team followed the man inside the gym


"Woahhh, hey, hey-" Two best friends nudged each other watching the team enter the gym 

"Aoba Johsai's here-"

"Those guys are tall... and they look pretty tough too-"

"Well it depends, a big part of how good a team is... is it's setter-" The boy looked around

"Wait, where is he?"

"Where'd Oikawa go?" Coach Irihata turned noticing the missing captain

"H-He... Uhh-" Third year number two, Issei Matsukawa stuttered

"Tell us! We don't have all day!" Coach Mizoguchi spazzed

"...he kinda got bombarded by a bunch of girls from different schools..." He scratched the back of his head as Irihata and Mizoguchi stood still taken off guard

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