Chapter 4 - Newcomers

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It seemed like we had been walking for days, which was only about an hour.  Still, carrying a bow and a back pack full of canned foods and other necessities was tiring.  Plus it didn't help that Archer didn't take one break, and me being the girl, didn't want to ask for one.  I didn't want to seem like the weak link, since that's what I was. 

We didn't talk while we walked through the woods.  I think that was mostly because they were listening for any sounds of the petrified. 

When I was about to give up and ask for a break, the woods suddenly opened to a clearing.  It was absolutely beautiful.

"It's amazing."  I gushed.

There was a gorgeous waterfall that was about 15 feet high, that ended in the most beautiful lake.  I dropped my bag and bow on the ground, I kept my gun, I wasn't that stupid.  I trudged towards the waterfall, I suddenly wanted to jump in and take a long nice bath.  I was so thankful it was summer. 

I walked back to the guys who were busy setting up the tent that I had brought, guess it came in handy after all.

"This place is great."  I stated as I reached them.

Archer rolled his eyes at me, and Rebel smiled.  Well at least Archer is back to being an ass, I thought.

Wanting to be productive, I started walking towards the woods.

"Where are you going?" Archer snapped.

I turned to look at him, "Chillax, I'm just going to get some firewood, unless you want to eat cold food."

Archer sighed, he looked tired, "Just don't go very far."  He said after a second.

"Well, well, I didn't think you would care."  I smiled and turned on my heel running to the woods. 


I didn't know how long I had been out here, but I was enjoying the peacefulness.  I had an armful of firewood and was picking up another stick when I heard crunching footsteps. 

I dropped my firewood and grabbed my gun in my waistband.

How could they have found us so soon?  We were far from civilization.

My heart was beating fast as I heard the footsteps were getting closer.  The worst part was, it was too much noise to just be one person, thing, whatever.

I gulped and put my back up against the tree, waiting for them to get closer. 

Everything suddenly went quiet, the footsteps seemed to disappear. 

Suddenly there was a hand on my mouth and I screamed into it, my gun going off as my hand was grabbed and I was shoved against the tree.

I looked up staring into big brown eyes. "Who are you?"  He asked, looking frightening.

"Mmmmhhmmm."  I mumbled, since his hand was over my mouth.

He let go of my mouth and I took in a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Catcher?"  A girl with red hair asked walking over to us.

"Damn it, Gigi!"  He screamed at her, "I told you to stay with Gage, she could have been one of those things."

"But I'm not."  I stated, making him snap his head back to me.  He still had a hold of my arm, his chest pressed tightly up against me.

"Let her go!" I heard someone yell, and I relaxed a little at the sight of Archer.  He had his gun pointed at the guy's head.

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