Only in Our Memories (Klaus' POV)

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You guys wanted the story from Klaus' POV so here it is, I hope you like it.  Comment and let me know what you think. ❤️❤️

There comes a time when you meet someone
And you just want to make them smile
For the rest of your life

Every time I heard the word Titanic it sent a shot of agony straight to my heart.  84 years later and I still think about Selene everyday of my never ending life, though never having told my siblings anything about her I suffered in silence.  Just as I was about to go downstairs and snap at Elijah to turn the damn television off he spoke up.

"One of the survivors of the Titanic sinking is still alive, and here I thought you were the last, brother."  I sped down stairs and saw on the screen a helicopter on the ship labeled Keldysh.  They were lowering a women in a wheelchair out and though I didn't recognize her I did recognize the blonde hopping out after her, shoving the men behind her chair out of the way.  I quickly moved to the screen, touching over her to see if it was real, if I was hallucinating, but of course I wasn't, my mate was alive.

I ran to the phone, dialing the number on the screen and though it took me about 10 minutes of transfers and my siblings inane questions, I finally got in touch with a man named Brock Lovett.  "Yes?  How can I help you Mr. Mikaelson." 

"Yes, I've just seen a women being brought aboard your ship.  I know you're looking for the necklace and to be honest I couldn't care less, however the blonde women that was pushing her wheelchair, I want to know who she is."  The man hesitated, sucking in a startled breath as my family stared at me in confusion, though to be honest I was quite confused myself, just wanting confirmation of her life.

"Selene Dawson, but you already knew that, didn't you?  You're the vampire she met on the ship all those years ago, her love."  I felt all the air leave my chest at the confirmation of her life.

" name is Klaus Mikaelson, and she is my mate."  My family all began questioning me straight away as I tried to listen to Brock and wrap my head around all of this.

"I'll have a helicopter waiting for you where the Carpathia docked, you know where that is, dont you-"

"Of course I do you idiot, I'll be there in an hour, and I swear if she's not there when I arrive I'll tear your throat out with my teeth and you'll join the grave sight at the bottom of the ocean."  I hung up, running to pack a bag with my family still following along.

"Niklaus!  Talk to us-"

"She was dead...I thought I lost her...I can't...cant think straight right now, I just...I have to go."

Elijah grabbed my arm and stopped me.  "We are going with you.  You can calm down and explain on the helicopter, we won't leave you alone."  I nodded, getting into my car and them following, the drive being quiet until we arrived and piled into the chopper.  That was when I had to explain everything.
A vacation, that is exactly what I needed and for the most part I had a wonderful time.  I spent my time painting and sketching, meeting a few artists, even going shopping, buying some wonderful new dresses for my little sister that I knew she would adore.  The last thing I ever thought would happen however was for me to meet my mate, especially while boarding the ship to go home.  The Titanic, thought to be the grandest ship of all time and while it was nice, I, unlike the ignorant humans, refused to call anything made of iron floating in the middle of the ocean 'unsinkable', how stupid can you be?

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