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Violence isnt the answer

We could go out and murder all the officers cause this our lives that they taking, our feelings they hurting, our live they disturbing, we could go out and burn all the buildings, voice out our anger till they hear us, start a riot or two but what good will that do? Nothing really just give these Officers all the much reason to hurt us more, maybe kill us too after all whats the worst they can do?
Alot they can do alot to us as long as they see fit
So we gotta stop the violence to end the violence.
We gotta grow a pair and stand up
We gotta voice out our anger by using our voice
By using our words
By saying what we must and not using our fists
Cause we're all angry people angered by society and the way it is
So lets change it, it starts with you
Put the bottles down, put the guns down, put the tires down, put your pride away and lets start the change today!

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