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Hello everyone. It's been a while, and I'm so sorry about that! I know I usually post the Winners chapter a few days later after the voting stops, but I've been so caught up in schoolwork and online school I really just haven't made time to focus on Wattpad and the fanfiction awards.

I've decided to not have the fanfiction awards this year, mainly because there weren't a lot of votes and comments and also because of COVID-19. It seems like everyone is too busy during quarantine, and another factor is everyone's mental health being drained or down including mine and I don't have the energy to really announce winners or to do anything at all this year.

I should have announced something before holding this year's, but seeing the lack of votes made me just give up. I apologize to all and I hope everyone is staying safe. And a happy Pride Month to all!

See you next year, frens.


2020 Twenty One Pilots Fanfiction AwardsWhere stories live. Discover now