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Hello everyone
Im so sorry to say that this is not a chapter for my story
It's in the work so I really hope that all of you would be patient enough to wait.
And I said this on my other story alr but im going to talk it here incase some of you didn't follow the other.

What im going to say is that, i know some riots are going on right now indicating of how the black community is disgustingly treated by white supremacist and police brutality.

I wanted all of you to take parts on what's right.
No iam not black
No I don't understand
No im not from america
But i Stand before those lifes on the line simply because of the color of their skin.
Don't tell me i have no right to be caring of something that is out of my country or simply saying that its none of my business because i will fucking block you after I messaged you how stupid that hell hole you would call a brain are.
I care of humanity.
The world is changing for the worst
And I could see that.
Infact everyone could see that and if you say otherwise then you are simply lying to yourself and by being neutral knowing that others life are being taken away like some animal and pigs for slaughter then you already know which side you're on.

My heart broke for George floyd
And those before him whose done nothing but are treated like something and not someone.
I could not comprehend how such hatred could be spread among humanity, just because of their colors which indicates beauty of their own or their sexuality being looked down on.

Women's are still fighting for equality
Lgbtq+ are still fighting for equality
Black community are still fighting for equality

We are born here on this very earth
Stepped on the same ground
Breathing the same air
And somehow because someone doesn't look like you
Just because their own beauty match yours differently you had the right to tell them they're not birthed here to have the same hierarchy as you are.

It is so utterly disgusting to me.
And i hope to those who are still fighting for a better world, fighting for themselves
Fighting for others
Fighting for the next generation
I hope you all stay safe there.
I hope we all stay safe and taking this all into actions and our own hands.

Don't let them silence your voice
Let them hear you roar
Let them see you bloom like flowers in springs
Let them see you storm like thunders
Let them see you.

Spread the words


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