Chapter 3

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Monica stood off to the side as she watched the scene take place in front of her.

A week has gone by since Chandler interviewed the possible contestants with Joey's side help. After picking out the final fifteen, they flew the contestants to Los Angeles to officially start the process.

No one has personally had the chance to meet or even see Joey Tribbiani. Once they got settled into their room they went straight to shooting the arrival portion of the show. Monica stood nearby as she watched woman after woman ride up to the grand gates of the mansion. She was completely fixated by everyone's unique entrance that she almost didn't hear one of the ladies come up to her.

"Isn't this amazing?"

Monica turned to see who it was before shaking her head with a smile. "It's incredible." There are times Monica has to remind herself that she is actually here and this isn't another one of her dreams.

"Hi, I'm Dana." She stretched out her hand for an introduction.

"Monica." She shook it, politely.

"Oh, what a cute name. Joey is going to love that." She smiled before walking off to chat with another group of girls.

Monica was confused by the comment but immediately let it go, not letting anything ruin this unbelievable moment for her. She was about to turn to continue watching the other girls when someone else came up to her from behind.

Gently, he put his hand on her back as to not spook her by surprise.

"Hey, I'm so glad you're here." He smiled, watching alongside Monica.

She glanced at him and smiled. "Hey, Chandler."

"Hey you remembered my name."

"I did. You're the crazy guy." She teased.

Chandler laughed "Fortunately, yes." He said, making Monica laugh again. "Moving on," He began to lead Monica over to the carriage. "I think you're next."

"Okay." She said softly, mentally preparing herself.

"You like horses?"

"Yeah, I love horses." She ran her hand long the side of the majestic animal that will soon be pulling her weight up to the building. "They're so beautiful." She said, mainly to herself.

"Okay, hop on up there Monica." The director instructed.

"Okay." Monica nodded

Holding out his arm, Chandler helped her climb up.

"Are you having fun?" He gave her a warm smile as she settled herself in the carriage.

"Yeah, I'm having a great time."

"You are just coming from the hotel, can't wait to see this place." The director told her and Monica nodded. "It's okay if you are nervous, okay? Alright, camera!" He pointed "And, action!" He yelled

"This place is incredible." She watched as they rolled along the entryway.

"Are you excited, Monica?" he asked, walking alongside the carriage as he tried to get her to say more.

Monica glanced down at him then back up. That was all she rehearsed. She didn't know what else to say so she began to repeat part of the conversation she had earlier. "I'm excited and nervous." She smiled, looking at the mansion in front of her.

"We don't have sound? We don't have sound. Cut!" The director moved the carriage back to restart. "Okay, from the top." He waved for everyone to reposition.

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