Ch.1: The Beginning

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Luna's House

6:30 am

Third Person POV:




Luna groans as she slams her hand on top of the snooze button for the sixth time this morning.

You see, Luna is normally a morning person but last night she stayed up late helping a friend with their project as well as getting ahead on some papers that a business man she knows needed help on. So, she did not get to sleep until 1:30 this morning.

Luna opens her eyes to glare at the poor alarm clock, planning to go back to sleep once more. That is... until she realizes the time that the alarm clock is aggressively flashing. She shoots up out of her messy bed with one word on the tip of her mind and tongue:

"I'M LATE!!!" The girl screams like a madwoman.

She scrambles from her bed running around her room, practically ripping a random blouse from a hanger in the walk-in closet as well as grabbing a pair of jeans from her dresser and literally throwing both clothing items on the messy bed. Luna also grabs other clothing items such as undergarments and socks from the dresser and throws all clothing items in her hand and on her bed hastily.

After clothing herself, she sprints to the bathroom running a brush quickly through her hair and throwing it up in a quick ponytail. She goes through her morning routine just as hastily, disregarding the shower as she had luckily taken one last night before she started on the other's work.

Oh. Wait a minute... I never did explain that did I? See, Luna works in a magic shop that is also an apothecary. Half of it is a magic shop, and half of it is an apothecary. And before you ask: No, she is not one of those fake magicians, she -unlike the others- has real magic, but many people who are not magical or know of the real magical community do not realize this. Moving on, to explain why she helps out with other people's work well... She is widely known in Gotham as the person to go to if you need help. Her shop may be her main work but that's not all she does. She finds herself in a lot of jobs since many people look to her for help, and of course how could she say no to someone in need? So she helps people with anything they need like advice, financing, settling arguments, getting rare supplies, manual labor, babysitting, looking over and editing someone's biography, etc. I guess you can call it a side job of her's.

Anyway, back to the story!

After getting through with her morning bathroom routine, she speeds back into her room, grabbing the big baby blue message bag by her desk and gathering up the business man, Mr. Inklings, papers into their folder and throwing them into the bag. She grabs her Air Force jacket which is hanging on the door to her room.

The Air Force jacket was her dad's from when he was General, which is the second highest ranking in an Air Force. He died while on duty when Luna was still in Elementary School. Near the end of Third Grade to be exact.

Then, she slides down the banister on the stairs, and runs past the living room and kitchen, only stopping to put fresh food and water in her pet's bowls. Then, heading straight to the door where a pair of black tennis shoes. She gets her shoes on and grabs the keys to the house; skipping breakfast, she sprints out onto the sidewalk, locking the door behind her.

While running down the street to the café Mr. Inklings is often at in the morning, she gets lost in thought. Her feet on autopilot, heading to the place she often passes by on her way to work. (She usually opens her shop up at 6 o'clock and because of this Mrs. and Mr. Bakers are usually just arriving at their café and unlocking their door so they can head inside and start preparing for the morning rush.)

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