You and Justin have been dating for 3 months now and you weren't ready to be seen with him out in public yet. You didn't want to face the criticism or the press that came with dating your famous boyfriend.

You love him to death and even though you knew it upset him that he couldn't show you off to the world he was okay with it because you were by his side no matter what.

You're currently watching Justin's live interview and the questions he's being asked, you knew sooner or later they'd ask him if he was seeing anyone and you knew Justin wouldn't say anything but you were still nervous.

Interviewer: "so Justin, are you currently seeing anyone?"

Justin: Justin keeps a straight face. "I don't have a girlfriend," he try's his hardest not to smile. He knew you were watching and he didn't want to give away any hints.

Interviewer: "what about those new love songs you have out? Not about any specific special lady in your life?"

You and Justin both knew he was trying to get Justin to spill something but once again Justin replies with the same answer as before.

You and Justin both knew he was trying to get Justin to spill something but once again Justin replies with the same answer as before

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