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This album was a bop 


I wake up with bright shining lights on me. I groggily sit up and wipe my eyes, looking around the room. All the flashbacks of what happened last night hit me all at once. 

Oh, well at least I don't have to walk home. 

Wait- I told Harry the real address. 

Fuck me. 

"Lou!" I hear a high pitched voice say. I turn and see Eleanor, her eyes red and puffy. I didn't know people cared this much for me. 

She hugs me and cries into my arms. "I'm okay," I say. "I know, I was so worried for the baby!" She says. I scowl at her. 

"Here's your stuff," she says handing me a duffel bag. "huh?" I ask unzipping it. Sure enough, all of my stuff is in there. 

"Harry called me, he said you were moving in with him? Which I found so adorable! Despite what you say- he's so sweet and kind! A major babe really, but don't worry he's all yours-" 

"Wait! What?! I never agreed to this!" I exclaim, cutting her off. 

"Oh, well- he seemed pretty pissed when you told him you lived in a shelter," She says. She looks at me, fluffing my hair. "I think it would be nice for you to live with him- I know it may not seem like it, but he cares for you so much. And he could provide for you and you can have a better place to live,". 

"Yeah, I know. It would be a lot better, I don't want to be a gold digger though- I'm not a slut," I say sighing. "I know he cares- he canceled a bunch of big meetings for me,". 

"You're a lot of things, but a slut and a golddigger is not one," She says. "It'll be like an adventure for you all- maybe you can develop a relationship,". 

"I wish- I don't think he'd want to," I say, sadly. "But it would be dreamy, we could raise this baby together- she could have his last name,". I fond at the future- if we ever have a future together. 

There's a knock on the door, and Harry walks in. Eleanor and I stare up at him, he looks very tense. He looks tired and has bags under his eyes. 

"Hey," He rasps. 

"Hi," I say.

"Erm, they're going to do one last ultrasound on the baby- and then you can be released. They gave me things that you need to do or not do," He tells me. 

"What are they?" I ask. 

"You need to be calm, stress-free- which means calm voices, actions- and you can work, but to be careful and not be on your feet too terribly long. You need to have enough food and water- and make sure to take your pills. You can do exercises like yoga or bouncing on an exercise ball- or even walking. But no running. And try not to hurt yourself or put yourself in danger. 

They said if you have any pain at all to use a pregnancy pillow, which I'm sure you've seen some. But if you haven't- it's a pillow that curves around your body and helps with back pain and it overall more comfortable to use. I ordered you one- so it should come in the mail tomorrow. 

I also ordered you some new clothes because I saw yours were getting a bit too small for you- and I want you to stay peaceful and not stress on how you look. I also got you an exercise ball, I got you a grey one- but if you don't like the color I can get you another one," He finishes what he was saying, which almost makes me fall asleep. 

"You're amazing," I say, on accident. "I mean- thank you,". 

"by chance, did Eleanor tell you about your living situation?" He asks, sitting on the end up of the bed. 

"That you are forcing me to move in with you and had Eleanor bring me my stuff without my consent? Yes she did," I say, trying to look mad. 

Eleanor elbows me. "he's not mad, he tries to act mad- but you can-" she puts her finger on my cheek "-if his cheeks are relaxed and look relaxed, he's not mad,". I slap her hand away but end up giggling. 

"So you're not mad?" Harry asks me, his lip twitching with a smile. 

"No," I say. 

He nods as a nurse comes. "Oh, good- I love when both parents are here. Here are your pills, love," she says, handing me the prenatal pills. "Just take one every morning- you'll be good of the rest of the day,". 

I nod and smile at her. 

She exposes my stomach that only Is getting bigger from here on. She squeezes a rather cold gel on my stomach and turns on the monitor. She places a wand on my stomach and the baby pops up on the screen. 

"So since yesterday, we really didn't tell you all about it- You're 14 weeks pregnant and your due date is January 22. The baby is growing rapidly- which is an amazing thing. She's as big as a coconut now- which means it may be harder to catch your breath and your back may hurt. Her eyes and lips are developing- she can also hear you. She's officially sleeping in a cycle, which is when you won't feel kicks. I also advise that you may want to start thinking about how you're going to give birth; such as a home birth or a hospital. It's all up to you," she explains. 

I blink at her- trying to not act like a spaced out. I look up and Harry nods- obviously taking all that in. 

She hands me a napkin and I wipe off my stomach. She lives and I go to change. I just change into sweats- too lazy to actually get dressed. 

Harry and Eleanor and talking about the baby, which surprises me because Harry sounds like he wants to be in her life. It sends my body warm tingles. 

"Ready?" Harry asks, holding my bag. 

I nod, walking towards him. We go to his car and get in. I buckle up and feel a kick- I place my hand where I last felt a kick- and feel another pressure go across my hand. I smile down at my bump. 

Harry starts the engine and drives away from the hospital. He drives to a private gated community. And I gawk at the houses- they're all mansions and look amazing. 

I suddenly feel very underdressed- despite the fact they're houses. 

He pulls up to his house and we both get out. I stop at the door- I never knew a door could be so big. "Are you going to stare it all day?" Harry teases. 

"How rude, the door's a he- his name is orange," I say. "Orange?" he says, smirking. I playfully slap him and we walk inside. 

Despite the outside, the inside seems homey. The living room is a nice tan with frames all around the house. I instantly feel relaxed. 

He leads me into my room. The room makes my heart skip a beat. "Oh my-" I gasp. 

(A/N here's what it looks like because I can't describe bedrooms for shit) 

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(A/N here's what it looks like because I can't describe bedrooms for shit) 

I go and sit on the bed, Harry places the bag on my dresser and watches me gaze around the room. 

What the hell am I doin'? 

"Shit, I'm so scared," I say, running my hand through my hair before placing my hand on my swollen bump. 

"Sometimes the scariest thing- are the ones that will save us," he says, sitting next to me. He wraps an arm around me and I lean into his embrace. 



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