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Initially, Haruka and Juri were in love with each other. Haruka had been very persistent about marrying Juri; he could only think about her and only her. The day she was born, he automatically fell in love with her.

The woman never really liked her brother due to his persistency, but in the end, she fell in love with the man.

Then the two were married to each other afterwards. Yet, the siblings didn't know they would be getting another sibling after their parents had given them hints on having another sibling.

Haruka, Juri and even Rido were there to see the fourth child of the Kuran Lineage: (M/N) Kuran.

Just like her husband, Juri immediately fell in love with her younger brother and so did Haruka. The two would always take care of the young (M/N) and just like what any brother and sister would do; they have given him their pure love.

After maturing over the years, (M/N) and his two siblings were always together. The young brother knew that Haruka and Juri were married, and didn't want to interfere with their love despite developing deep feelings towards his two siblings.

Yet he didn't realize that his feelings were reciprocated.

(M/N) knew of his eldest brother: Rido, but never really talked with him due to Haruka and Juri always protecting him from the malicious vampire.

Unfortunately, one day, (M/N) was taken from his two siblings by Rido. The eldest of them all, had an obsession with him.

At first, it was Juri but after seeing the young vampire at birth, the man's desire had changed: wanting to take (M/N) as his lover.

"BIG BROTHER! BIG SISTER! ANYONE!? Please help me...!"

(M/N) yowled as he thrashes around in pain. He was being held captive in Rido's arms. The man lets out a sinister laugh as he tightens his hold around the vampire.

"They won't save you! You will only get in the way of their love, dear brother!"

His red-brown eyes widened as he heard Rido's sentence. His brother was right, Haruka and Juri were happily married already.

'They were in love, and I'm in the way of it.. I'm in the way of their happiness..'

The male stopped resisting and lets his hands fall at his sides. Tears began to slip down his cheeks as he closed his eyes. Rido notices this change and smiles, bringing (M/N) closer to his chest.

"Yes.. Give up on them.. Come to me, dear brother.."

His hands cupped the younger's cheeks, making him lock his red-brown eyes with his mismatched ones. Their lips were about to meet until a curved blade collided with Rido's shoulder. The Pureblood growled, turning his head to look at the attacker.

"Get your filthy hands off of (M/N), bastard!"

Juri bellowed out at her older brother, digging her scythe deeper into his shoulder. Rido was about to launch his claws at her until a mutating monster molded from flesh, sank their canines into the Pureblood's head and stayed in that position.

(M/N)'s dull eyes went wide with horror as he witnessed the bloodshed. Haruka swiftly took the dark-haired male into his arms, retreating back to the manor with Juri.

The older male carried his brother to his room, setting him down onto the soft mattress.

"We're sorry.. Dear brother, we're sorry for letting that impulsive beast take you.."

Haruka wraps his arms around the crying vampire. The younger shook his head, wrapping an arm around his brother's neck.

"No, don't apologize.. Thank you, big brother and big sister, for saving me from him.."

Juri comes into the room, closing the door behind her before making her way towards her brothers. The brunette sits next to (M/N), also pulling him into her embrace without breaking Haruka's hold on him.

"I want you two to be happy without me.."

Haruka and Juri frowned at his sentence, leading them to strengthen their grip on him, but not enough to hurt him.

"Why would you say that, (M/N)? We wouldn't be happy if you weren't here with us."

'Don't do this to me.. You'll only make me fall deeper..'

The brown-haired male cries even more as he stares into their eyes.

"You're both happily in love with each other! I'm just a blockade.. Dammit.. Why did I have to fall for you two..?"

The two siblings sat in silence as they let their little brother go on.

"I love you big brother and big sister!! I want to spend my eternal youth with the both of you! But you're both content with each other.. I don't want to interfere with-"

His babbling was left unfinished as Haruka and Juri pecked his lips; forming a three-way kiss. (M/N)'s red-brown eyes gaped open as he felt their lips on his, causing the vampire's cheeks to redden at the physical affection.

Was this perhaps a fantasy? A dream? If so, the man never wants to wake up from this feeling.

Haruka and Juri pulled away, chuckling at (M/N)'s flushed face. "We love you too.. It took you long enough to confess.." The older vampire says, stroking the younger's hair while the female caressed his cheeks.

(M/N) directs his eyes to the side; shying away from their gaze. "I-I didn't know! I'm afraid of r-rejection.."

His stutter caused Juri to titter, causing him to pout. "And who would reject such a sweet and handsome man like yourself?" The female vampire smirks, and his blush darkens.

"This isn't a dream, is it..?"

Haruka and Juri smiled at (M/N) before pinching his ears. After for some time, the male swats their hands away from his now reddened ears. "O-Ow!! You didn't have to pinch me THAT hard.."

They only laughed and dragged him down to lay on the large mattress.

The three siblings remained in bed together for the rest of the night, cuddling with one another until the next sunset.

-Word Count: 1013-

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